I think I just realized what makes consciousness so special. Its - TopicsExpress


I think I just realized what makes consciousness so special. Its as if each of us are independent, but synchronized reference frames. You take one of us and put us on another planet, or another star system and that persons reference frame becomes out of sync with the rest of us on Earth. Should that person physically come back to Earth, they would arrive at a different absolute time than the relative time they experienced passing since theyd left Earth. This is all overly simplified and by no means a new concept, but damn thats cool. Yeah, time travel and stuff. But flexible, real-world reference frames? Thats neat. Its like an experiment perceiving and experiencing itself with millions of slightly out of sync reference frames on Earth; experiencing other reference frames and having perceived different and unique information independent of the other frames. But each perspective of each unique frame is just as real as any other; effectively fragmenting reality into a strange partially in-sync existence for the frames. Each frame having its own unique universe it experiences, only very slightly different than the other frames, but nonetheless unique. But strangely enough most of our realities coincide just enough that we experience time and space nearly the same as any other reference frame on Earth. But each is ever so slightly out of sync with every other. Its as if the multiverse is driven and somewhat shaped by our perception of it. Hm. Im sure theres a theory for this floating around somewhere, but Im not sure Ive read it yet. Probably somewhere in the veins of Special Relativity, but Ive not read enough about it yet to be too intimately familiar with it. Yo Physics peeps, throw dat knowledge at me.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:34:50 +0000

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