I think I might have discovered what the Communist Party of China - TopicsExpress


I think I might have discovered what the Communist Party of China is hiding with regards to the comfort women issue. Remember, back in 2007, while the comfort women issue was in the headlines, the Chinese government, though they publicly kept a cool demeanor, in private, they were worried. And they expressed their fears to U.S. diplomats. Li Dunqiu, an official at the State Council Development and Research Center, said that China did not react strongly to the comfort women issue because they wanted to prevent other historical issues from resurfacing. (cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=07BEIJING1841) I think I finally may have figured out what those issues are. I am currently reading the book Mao: The Unknown Story, which was written by Jung Chang. The following is a quote taken from that book. “Before they took power, Communists were expected not just to make sacrifices vis-à-vis their children, but literally to sacrifice them, and selling one’s children— or having them sold— to raise funds for the Party was not uncommon,” said Chang. (Kindle Locations 2760-2762) In those days, poor Chinese parents would sometimes sell their daughters into a life of prostitution (for more information, read the Wikipedia page on the Mui Tsai system). Though Chang never says the Communists forced their daughters into prostitution, it seems likely that at least some of them had to suffer this fate. I found the following quote in another book I am reading. The book is called The Meiji Restoration. It was written by W. G. Beasley. “Aizawa [Seishisai] saw Britain and Russia, perhaps acting in collusion, making use of trade, Christianity, and eventually arms to subdue both China and Japan,” said Beasley. (Kindle Locations 1420-1421) Note that the definition of collusion is: “secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose.” The quote suggests that Aizawa believes in my many-headed monster theory, the theory that Russia and Britain, while on the surface they appear to be enemies, they are actually allies who are secretly working together.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:43:38 +0000

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