I think I owe all you amazing people out there an explanation - TopicsExpress


I think I owe all you amazing people out there an explanation about why you havent received the rest of Mr. Quimby & The Trees. I know Ive been silent for a long, long time. But being hospitalized 3 times with that weird face infection--where I could have replaced the gargoyles at Notre Dame--having Alan hospitalized once, this awful fibromyalgia, some depression and panic--HEY! I MIGHT BE HOMELESS! ILL HAVE THE CUTEST DAMN SHOES AT THE SHELTER!--have kept me away from the computer sometimes when I really should have been writing anyway, and I know that. I have a quote from Stephen King by my machine that says, If God gave you a gift, why on Earth wouldnt you use it? Kind of humbling because God gave me a monster for a mother, a brain that is ENTIRELY creative--I couldnt multiply 9X9 if you held a gun to my fuzzy little head--short legs, bad teeth and a Richard Nixon nose (since fixed) but he ALSO gave me one talent. And I SHOULD be using it. I knew someone at The Press who was writing a story with me about our childhood abuse, and she was taking freakin FOREVER to write her half. Finally I took her aside and I said, Christy! At some point you have to give birth! And now I have to give birth. I get my painkillers refilled tomorrow and thats great, because at night I get this really bad pain where it feels like every single pain sensor in my body is on fire and standing up; like an electrical burn in my bones. If I inadvertently touch my ANKLE, I scream. My very skin hurts. I took THREE Seroquel and the pain broke through it. Not fun because it makes me so tired. But I had a talk with myself last night when I was at a particularly low point and I brushed away the ether and asked myself--what do you want to do most in the world? Really, what is the one thing you really want to do? And the answer--I want to write horror novels. Great big, gruesome horror novels that will have you looking under your bed at night. There are so few female writers doing horror. So Im back at work. Oh--Im ALSO thinking of starting an on-line editing business called All Write, All Ready, because I am so tired of reading stories on line riddle with grammatical mistakes, awkward sentences, simple typos that stop you in your tracks. What do you guys think? I really am a good editor, and if I can get two of the novels off to agents, then maybe I could spend a little time on a Website. Let me know what you guys think, okay? And Benjamin--youre way too quiet. Is everything ok?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:37:46 +0000

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