I think Ive hit a point in my life that is just unusually - TopicsExpress


I think Ive hit a point in my life that is just unusually different! I dont know if Im weird or of this is just Normal process but I just dont really care about much anymore! I used to prop my boobs up rock a stiletto and thrive for attention!!!! I hate that Sarah!!!! I attracted so much negative energy it was crazy! Life is just different just when you think its good and its the way god wanted it to be it all the sudden just doesnt feel the same! Im sad!! Ive loved so much that I married and got crushed so bad that I dont ever see it as a possibility in the future!!! Ive sacrificed so much for Lo and its the only thing that keeps me happy!! Social networking has destroyed me:( Ive lost my sassy confidence its just different for me now! Professionally I feel neglected and think well know I was supposed to be better but Im not selfish and stepped up to the plate as a parent! Im just never satisfied and its evil of me!!! Ive changed my hair prob 5 times is 6 months lol!!! Guess what I still hate who I see sometimes! I guess sometimes I just wonder what the long term plan is for me! Ive always thought Ive been wired different!!! I love to much!! I give to much I still believe in my fairy tail and that one day it will happen:) Im a dreamer! Im so old fashion its crazy!!!! I prayed last night that people would just once love me for my inner and not my outer!!!! I havent dolled up much lately and its crazy how people treat me differently for looking different! I just want my spirit to be free!! I hurt for the voids that my son has in his life acn have always tried to feel them!! Just some things are meAnt to be and to learn from them I guess!!!! Lo have fun with your gramps tonight!!! Racing fun! At 34 Ive only set one goal in my life and this is honest to never fail my son to protect him and always be on the front line!!!! I hate seeing all these people living fake lives and smiling behind the camera like its picture perfect! U WISH!!! Reality is that life us hard and sometimes it knocks u down its our job to get back up and push forward!! Just trying to fig our WHO I AM!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:08:21 +0000

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