I think I’ve been defriended by my favorite fascist. Actually - TopicsExpress


I think I’ve been defriended by my favorite fascist. Actually she really wasn’t a fascist but she used to post all of these ultra right wing “news” articles especially documenting why Obama needed to be impeached. It was my habit to fact check these. Recently, for example, she posted a reactionary meme NAME ONE THING HILLERY CLINTON DID AS SECRETARY OF STATE. Well despite the fact that I doubt anybody could name one thing Condolessa Rice did as SOS or Christian Herter or nearly any SOC going back to Jefferson, I could look it up and mentioned three things she did. Then during the whole Trevon Martin thing she posted news articles over every murdered white victim of an African American usually accompanied by a question of why the mainstream media ignored the crime. I replied with huge URLs featuring the story. And when it came to Muslims, oh my. There was some Presidential appointment of someone with a Muslim name and she was having a shit fit. So I googled the name and found out the guy’s parents were both academics working for International bureaucracies. He had an outstanding academic career winning awards and fellowships and attending international conferences and seminars. The worst that could be said about him was that he was a swot, a too ambitious workaholic type. But the idea that he was a Muslim was all that there was to her objection. Lets face it, most of the right wing objection to Obama is the idea that he is really a Muslim. That’s what “He was born in Kenya” was all about. And oh yes, he’s black. We’ll revisit all this when and if Ted Cruz makes a run at the presidency. Of course there is a real prejudice against anything foreign and open, unapologetic, xenophobia, especially if there was the suspicion that it had anything to do with the UN. It was groundhog day everyday when I explained that the US has controlled the UN since day one. We organized, named, wrote the rules, located, and dominated the UN. But the most recent confrontation occurred when I seconded a suggestion that when Kayne West wanted to move elsewhere that he not let the door hit him on the ass on his way out. I had a fellow traveler who added that it should also include Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Whoa! I couldn’t believe it. Open racism broadcast en clair! Most obviously what does Keyne West have in common with Sharpton and Jackson? The only thing was the color of their skin. I mean there could have been other directions to go in. Obnoxious show biz ego maniacs for a thousand, Alex. He just hated black people especially uppity n____ers. Of course I jumped on this and the guy just denied he was a racist but could not explain why he just chose those people to hate on. Of course when you catch a racist being a racist the first thing they do is accuse you of playing the race card. The other thing that I found interesting was the total lack of relevancy Sharpton and Jackson represent today. They are from a world of 20 or 25 years ago. This is the definition of a “long held prejudice”. It reminds me of the demented types who still complain about the 60s anti war protests and Jane Fonda. They never reexamine or recalibrate their prejudices. Mention the name of a contemporary African American and they unload their hate like they’ve just taken a Fleet enema. Anyway I’m sort of sad that she defriended me because it kept me in touch with what insular people in places like Russelville, Arkansas, think. They have no idea that their world view is formed by their non contact with the world beyond the next hill. C’est la vie. PS Did I mention Gun Control?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 00:48:36 +0000

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