I think about the ordinary life that we fantasize about having as - TopicsExpress


I think about the ordinary life that we fantasize about having as human beings. Get up early, have breakfast, get the kids ready for school, two dogs and a mortgage, a SUV or minivan, a good paying probable 9-5, come home, help the kids with homework, eat dinner, sit on the porch, watch sitcoms, fall asleep and do it again. The simple life. The American Dream!!! Then I woke up this morning. I realized this for myself. I struggle on a daily basis with my grosser handicaps. Ive watched my life crumble many times and seen those around me have similar experiences. I stand beside them and them me. Some never get back up though. We laugh and we fight. Sometimes I sleep in. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I get a call from a distressed friend and run to help. Sometimes I have to call them. I fight with pride and ego and life on lifes terms. Sometimes I dont eat until late at night and I dont have a per-say family to come home to at night. My dog is not with me all the time. Sometimes work bums me out. I get lonely. I get scared. I get angry and sad. I also get happy. I watch people paint realities that arent real. I occasionally do the same for myself. Sometimes I dress the part but cant play the role. Sometimes I fight with basic instincts that get out of whack. I fall short of MY chosen ideal and when I do I get down on myself. Sometimes I question sensitive topics like faith and government and good and evil. Sometimes I just dont care. The world is ever changing and I sometimes resist the change. But here is what I know... That I am full of love that is poured into me by those around me and in turn, I want them to receive it back. I have a family, blood and otherwise. They dont let me fall to hard and I do the like for them. Loyalty means something and the idea of taking an hour out of my day to better myself and possibly help others who suffer through similar afflictions of the mind, body and spirit is more than a duty but a passion. I hurt when my people hurt. I cry when my people cry and I laugh when they laugh. The beauty in the world is always in the eye of the beholder and although the cliche has not been a reality for me... The American Dream I live is the one I would choose everyday. Its not boring. Its not monotonous. It is time consuming and happy and heart breaking at the same time. Most of all though, it is full of love and understanding. I ride my bike and listen to my music and dance on the city streets with two wheels. I see the life in the concrete and hear the outpouring of conviviality and passion come through the doors of the safe havens of the hipsters, punks, jocks, yuppies, hippies, metal heads, hip-hop junkies, and the lonely. This city has created a home within me that begs to be unleashed to others and, in return, relate my resounding passion back to them. We could all learn a thing or two from each other and the poison we here and spit is unneeded but a reality at times. Pick me up RVA... I will do the same for you. Show me a new life and I will show you mine. This is an adventure. Together, in our community, we will find the greatest peace and happiness even amongst the organized chaos we inevitably will create. Lets love it for what it is and and fight for us. The American Dream is just that... A dream. Create it within you and dont fall for what you are told is normal. For as unique as every individual is, there is a wanting for our togetherness to be aligned in love and passion. NOW LETS STAGE DIVE... IT MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE!!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:16:15 +0000

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