I think any socialist worthy of the name would celebrate the fact - TopicsExpress


I think any socialist worthy of the name would celebrate the fact that the Ukrainian army is closing in on the pro-Russian fascist ethnic cleansing militias and the liberation of the people of Donetsk and the East in general from their putrid `rule. If we cannot defend the right of Ukraine to self-determination against imperialist aggression then what can we do? We want to see East and West Ukraine unified under a genuine revolutionary democracy that confronts gangster capitalism whichever imperialism it looks to for support. Ukraine has the right to ask for assistance from wherever it can get it but of course so far Western Europes promises have amounted to sanctions that are little more than appeasement and secret talks between Putin and Merkel to exchange large parts of Ukraine for Russian gas. There is a section of the US and European ruling classes not currently politically in power such as the neo-Cons and the Polish Foreign Minister who was in the Bullingdon Club with Boris Johnsen who would like nothing more than a direct military conflict with Russia at the cost of the Ukrainian people. They seek not to help Ukraine but a direct confrontation with Russian imperialism on foreign territory which would take place above the heads of the Ukraine population. They would happily see Ukraine and its people obliterated to this end and they would call it a war for liberation. It is important that these elements and any hot head supporters they may have in Ukraine do not get their way. Defeat for the pro-Russian militias in the East will weaken Putin greatly at home which would be doing the Russian working class a monumental favour and my even encourage the Crimea to demand an end to their annexation negating any need for a potentially disastrous military confrontation.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:13:50 +0000

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