I think at the maximum of time that my elders are insane doing - TopicsExpress


I think at the maximum of time that my elders are insane doing worship and all that crap, so I should and should all the boys of my age. But still I don’t forget to have that sacred, holy thread called j’neva, on my shoulder. That doesn’t sound cool, right? What makes me believing in this myth isn’t has something to do with my wishes to be put before the god to make me wealthy, or strike any other kind of deal, but I believe in him because ‘’if you choose god you don’t choose devil’’. Want clarity? The thing is that despite of hatting my parents involved so much in those so things, I use j’neva, and holy maala on my neck, so to get me protected. I know these don’t seem normal but the threats in this world aren’t just normal, sometimes it’s Para-normal. Now believe me or not, these things exist, and for those who think supernaturality is a stupid idea then, I hope god won’t give them the proof of it. I’m writing this because I have that proof. Ever heard about curse, and went to a cursed place. Well fortunately or unfortunately, I did. Fortunately, because I’m here to tell you about it, and why unfortunately? is as…………………. The fort of bhangarh, the first thing that pissed atheist like me was that sign board on the entrance “entrance prohibited after sunset” (Involved some screwed spirits who are evil and that haunted fort stuff) So I pissed (literally) on around 5 places totally showing my protest against those evil spirits, and so did my friends. Our plan was to stay there at night and share some shots of vodka with those ghosts, because we thought we were mature enough to declare our judgement on them. But our ‘’night plan’’ was ruined because this Sunday we had that review test at bansal classes. We got in the bus to Kota and slept in it as of that tiredness……………….and the next thing I remember me and my friends in the Jaipur government hospital, with three fractures on by own body and similar things happening to my friends. The story was that the bus took a jerk and wounded us and the strange thing about that the only people wounded in that fifty passenger bus was us, and even weird was that the three of us weren’t on the same seat, in fact our seats were 5-6 rows apart. It took me no time to realise the omen. Next thing I do is to close my eyes and utter hare Krishna, I think I never did it myself besides mammi forced me to do it sometimes. My friends gave me a disgusting look but, I think this prayer helped me and them to recover in next 4 hrs. And after that followed haunted dreams for next 4 months, in which I got fever around 5 times, my weight decreased from 75 kgs to 60 kgs( anyway I was happy about this part…)…. I used to go to temples almost every day sometimes twice, enchant holy mantras that papa once taught, and never ever went out when it is dark. But thank god it went. I don’t know, but in those four months I felt a kind of cold around me even in those grilling days of Kota. The cold of darkness. Once all that exams got over, I browsed hell out of everything about that fort, I never stressed internet connection of my home that much. They tell that once around in 16th century a king who used to perform black magic wanted to marry the queen of bhangarh, when she refused he performed his dark worship of the devil and made a deal with him about killing all the residents of that palace including the queen, and in return he offered his soul. The devil took his soul and killed all the habitats of bhaangarh fort and mixed darkness into their souls. Though it sounds shamefully stupid but what happened to me, left no option else to believe it, because the darkness stuff still covers me, I never dared to talk about this to my parents. Due to two reasons, first I took a trip all around to bhangarh when I am expected to study, and second if I do so, my house will be turned into a temple. I’m obviously not the only one to have this experience, there are others and most of them are not alive, god knows what would have happened if that ‘night plan’ was executed. People who stayed there after sunset either lost to nowhere or found dead. Here is one man telling his experience, though he is not here to tell us more. “The place was absolutely dark! No artificial lighting. At all! We parked the car strategically so as make use of the car’s headlamps and jumped the Iron Gate and, we were in. Of course, this didn’t happen so fast and without a lot of discussions and thinking and some more re-thinking. Soon we were far from the car and the only luminescence in the pitch blackness was my phone flashlight. We’d gone way in and were scared to death, we’d dare not go inside the caves, there were bats. We wanted to stay away from the trees and wilderness, black panthers and snakes were common here. The guard told us the story of Bhangarh, how a tantrik cursed the town so its inhabitants would die suddenly, he cursed- that none of the houses would have roofs over them. The guard then showed us that in fact none of the ancient houses had roofs other than the mandirs, the temples! I shit you not. And that moment, it was bone-chilling! He took us to the gate and made us leave. We left. I slept on the way and damn, I can’t forget the nightmares I had that night.” “I woke up at 7 am to find myself in the middle of nowhere, turns out we’d lost the way back and my friend who was driving had parked the car and dozed off. Boy, he must have gone through crazy shit. But now, it was daylight, we felt safer, though we had no clue where we were and there were no people around! There was no mobile network, so we couldn’t make calls. That was still manageable, but the car? It would not start!” A search party went looking for these boys but no success…only their car, a camera and a diary with these notes scribbled were found. Apparently, they visited the place for a night of ghost hunting. I am saying it again to those who still don’t believe in god that “if you don’t believe in god then you believe in devil, and you can’t help it. And don’t let either god or devil to demonstrate it before you”
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:16:54 +0000

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