I think enough time has passed now for me to write about the Day - TopicsExpress


I think enough time has passed now for me to write about the Day of the Doctor without fear of SPOILERS, but if you havent yet seen it, there will be spoilers in this post. I think I might have missed a few things in the episode, I need to go back and watch it again, but for now I have some questions that perhaps the Doctor Who fans on my friends list can help me with. Here goes: 1. The note from Elizabeth the first. How did U.N.I.T. get hold of it? 2. Come to that, how did Elizabeth manage to imprison the Zygons in Time Lord art in the first place? 3. The Zygons. How did they know when to break out of the paintings? Did they already know of the existence of the time-bracelet thingy back in the 16th century? 4. And how were they suddenly able to break out of the paintings that had held them for five hundred years? I assume it might have had something to do with Gallifrey suddenly shifting into a different time stream, but that is my take on it. It wasnt clear. 5. Gallifrey - this isnt so much a question as a general musing. Firstly, when they discovered that The Moment was missing, why did nobody from Gallifrey high command attempt to stop the Doctor detonating this weapon? Surely if you know someone is about to burn your entire planet, even if you are in the midst of a catastrophic war, you sent people out to try to stop him? The high command seemed pretty okay with the idea that the planet was about to be obliterated. Lastly, again, not a question, just a general gripe - the Time War. The war to end all wars. I had great hopes for this - it should have been more four dimensional. Paradoxes, confusing time slips, Daleks and Time Lords slipping in and out of all of history, fighting, their actions altering history and changing the future, etc. I was really hoping that the Daleks were going to come streaming out of the Gallifrey Falls painting. In the end it turned out to be a bunch of Daleks shooting at people. I felt that a lot of potential was missed there. *EDIT* Just thought of one more thing. U>N>I>T> Kate - initiating the warhead beneath London - shouldnt she have asked for clearance from someone higher up, you know, like the Prime-Minister? Or at least given government some kind of warning? The Doctors comments that This is not a decision you will ever be able to live with while I can see and understand why he made the comment, unlike him, she wouldnt have survived. Anyone care to discuss?
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:00:57 +0000

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