I think hell just froze over lol (though i understand he did turn - TopicsExpress


I think hell just froze over lol (though i understand he did turn to victim blaming before this little talk was over)... Too many American police, esp the younger ones, have been trained to be too damn violent. That is all there is to it. We the people do not want people grabbed & slammed on the ground over minor offenses or for saying No. Of course we support our police & dont want them getting killed, but something is very wrong in this country. It is obvious that some police departments have poor leadership who tolerate or even encourage this abusive & needless violence. A good cop should try to calm a situation, not escalate the violence & hysteria. Though Im in FL, actually were pretty lucky where I live in having a sheriff who runs a tight ship and who demands professional behavior from his officers, though there are rogue ones as you will have in any force. I know Ive read of many cases where our police talked people down, even when they had guns. In much of the country this isnt true. Even children, pregnant women, the elderly or little tiny dogs are not safe in areas with such brutal thug police.Yes, THUG police. I dont agree with how everything is handled here in my area. Some things really need to be changed. But, our cops treat most with respect. We have an academy here & it would be interesting to learn more about the training that goes on there. I hope the people in my area would raise holy hell if our officers started behaving like some of the police around this country! We must remain vigilant in these days of militarized police or we will surely have a Gestapo. Parts of this country really already do! Please dont get the idea that Im either dumb enough to think all cops here are angels or that I dont know that there are some around here who do escalate violence needlessly. This job does draw some psychopaths & bullies, that is just the way it is, but most police officers are decent people who do a very hard job. Eric Garner did not have to die. His death is the direct result of those officers brutish behavior. Police need to remember to be Americans first & cops second. It appears many are more loyal to their brothers in blue than they are to this nation and its people. That is sad and dangerous for all of us.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:44:55 +0000

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