I think in terms of the doctors regeneration and his new set of - TopicsExpress


I think in terms of the doctors regeneration and his new set of regenerations, we can say that this is a new era for doctor who fans as the new regeneration set means new 1st doctor to me, so itll always look like this - 1st doctor - William Hartnell/Hurndel (Five Doctors) 2nd doctor - Patrick Troughton 3rd doctor - Jon Pertwee 4th doctor - Tom Baker 5th doctor - Peter Davison 6th doctor - Colin Baker 7th doctor - Sylvester McCoy 8th doctor - Paul McGann 9th doctor - John Hurt 10th doctor - Christopher Eccleston 11th doctor/12th doctor/metacrisis doctor - David Tennant 13th doctor - Matt Smith - NEW SET - 1st doctor - Peter Capaldi So if you all remember, the 11th doctor says to Clara that grumpy face (War doctor) was a regeneration but he was not the doctor, so clearly he had four more regenerations after his war doctor had died. Notice actually how many have died in the TARDIS and regenerated - 1st doctor, 5th doctor, 6th doctor, 9th doctor/war doctor, 9th doctor/10th doctor, 10th/11th doctor all died in the TARDIS - Tennants doctor being the worst due to radiation poisoning and refusing to go I dont wanna go in End Of Time. Tom Bakers doctor, Jon Pertwees doctor, Patrick Troughtons doctor, Sylvester McCoys doctor, Paul McGanns doctor and Matt Smiths doctor were not inside the TARDIS when their regenerations happened. 3rd regenerated into 4th inside UNIT headquarters with the help of the monk 4th regenerated into 5th on Logopolis with the help of the watcher 7th regenerated into 8th after dying in hospital hence why 8 has amnesia before The Master opens the eye of orion, 8th died after trying to save the girl in night of the doctor and ended up changing his appearance after drinking the elixer giving him the golden regeneration colour which would appear from then on and regenerated into 9th doctor/war doctor 12th/13th doctor (depending which way you look at it) regenerated on Trenzalore destroying the dalek fleet with his regeneration energy Love from Gallifrey boys! and then you can technically says he doesnt regenerate in the TARDIS completely, he regenerates back to his normal face before changing again into Peter Capaldis doctor.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 21:42:16 +0000

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