I think it is interesting how the people who are saying that a - TopicsExpress


I think it is interesting how the people who are saying that a plane flew into the Pentagon site evidence that is not really evidence at all. It is manipulated facts and not conclusive evidence at all. Body parts inside the Pentagon....so what. Do you really think it is reasonable to think that someone who is connected enough to plan this kind of attack on both the Pentagon and the demo on the twin Towers wouldnt be capable of exploding body parts within that building within a missile? Its Not CONCLUSIVE evidence at all! Then there is the bright young spunky fellow on Google who is a whole 21 years old who says that his grand empirical evidence is that his uncle told him [and lot of other people] also saw the plane go into the building too. That his uncle told him this so he think this is conclusive evidence. IT CLEARLY IS NOT!!! His uncle, the many other people who saw the plane hit the building and the United States FBI all want to play hide the 70+ videos of this deceptive event up their asses while forcing the American people to have to play hide and go seek to try and get a glimpse of the Missile hitting the Pentagon, that they appeared to have alter just enough to make it look like it had AA Flight decals on the photo. Well... i am not buying their lying bunch of bullshit anymore! That is most certainly not evidence either!! Arent ya sick of being lied to yet and the many attempts to point at evidence that is not really evidence at all? Then we get to asking questions from the group who all fits into a one word sentence called ignorant and they want to try and label us as truthers. Well, that is something that the Government is trained to do very well for propaganda purposes!! A lot like Terrorists, Conspiracy theories, WMD, Hanging chad ballots, Operation Enduring Freedom Desert Strom, and the list goes on and on and on. They do this to help retards understand better what they want them to think! If you want to know why your so dumb and so easily brain washed,and why you dont have a clue that this all has gone on right under your noses, it is because you want to be content and secure in your own little world without feeling like chicken little. Stay there and i will bring you your blanky so you can coo coo and go nite nite and i will make sure the sky dont fall on your retarded head!.....lmao Now, when you go to court as jury members and observers, i seriously feel so bad for the person on trial because your brain has already been retarded by some fairly sophisticated technology that you dont understand and that of which you do not want to understand!. These people spent a 10,000 X more man hours learning how to make you retarded verses planning the entire 9/11 hoax and 911 commission response. In any event, there is some guiding principals you can use to not be so fricking retarded...i have listed them below for the specials Ed in anyone of you who doesnt yet know that your being lied to and dumb down... 1] Too much of a coincidence is no longer a coincidence!! 2] mens rea means state of mind or guilty mind. 3] When a person does something wrong and they lie about it just like our government lies, well, They know their wrong and they cant face the facts that they are complete shit heads and scum bags! After all, they have achieved such great accomplishments lying to so many retards havent they?! But the biggest retard of all is the one who also lies to themselves without knowing it. 4] Actions convict!!!!!!....and they convict louder than words....when someone lies. They actually tell on themselves and they admit their guilt at the same time. 5] When searching out the truth, you have to follow a path of reason and common sense. No jumping from the bridge to see if it hurts or putting your tongue on the metal pole in the winter time, okay? 6] If there is an obstacle in your way at finding out the truth, you have to rule out all other possibilities using that reasoning and common sense as you go past it, around it or through that obstacle but dont just ignore it if its one of the options to discovery. 7] You will almost always be 100% certain of the truth when you really do find it! If something doesnt feel right...it probably doesnt feel right for a very good reason! That especially goes for the relationship that one person is accusing the other of cheating or not committing as much as they should. 6] Repeat after me...i will not be retarded...i will not be retarded....i will not be retarded in any of my choices. 7] Trust is earned and never rightfully just given away freely! 8] When you have trust, you will let that person drive your brand new car! There will be no doubts in your mind for good reasons. You will leave the room with your wallet on the table. If you have doubts, you clearly dont have trust!! 9] When a man [or woman] speaks, they will earn their righteousness if allowed to speak freely! Let them speak! 10] Repeat after me...i will not be retarded...i will not be retarded....i will not be retarded. Dedicated to anyone who hasnt figured out that there is no such thing as Santa, the Easter Bunny or a good government. They all suck off of We the People and suck the life out of we the people so that they can have a better life for themselves by using others and harming others for their benefit! That is really what 911 was all about. There was trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon Budget and the Pentagon didnt want to have to account for it! They most certainly were not willing to have their own budgets cut for the years following due to mismanagement of such large amounts of money when they could just make the paper work disappear and continue on with the deception! Donald Rumsfeld did come out to the news media the day before 911 saying that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the Pentagon. This would be the Military missing this money!! https://youtube/watch?v=W-F5NKAMdFc
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:08:18 +0000

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