I think it is time I rambled for a bit. As I look around, I see - TopicsExpress


I think it is time I rambled for a bit. As I look around, I see large corporations attacking the world that I hold precious. I see the industries that make up our food supply, our health system; all of the things we desperately need. We are shown day after day the things that can destroy our ecosphere, and that can completely ruin our existence. There problems are so large that they seem insoluble. How easy it is, after seeing yet another example of corporate manipulation, for me to give up. It is not a collective apathy that we face, it is more a sense of hopelessness. We keep trying to fight the corporations and people that wield such power. This is the place were so often we place words of encouragement and exhortations to keep fighting; to keep attending protests and to keep signing petitions. We are led to believe that if enough of us stand on the line, things will change. I would like to propose a solution that is a little more radical; a solution that is both insidious and simple to implement. First, we must continue to oppose the destruction of our environment. That, does not affect the underlying problem. What will make a difference is for each of us to commit to acts of kindness, to commit to reaching out and helping those in need. We need to be involved in the lives of our neighbours. Human beings are not made to function as individuals. Everything that we measure as success comes from our cooperation. The idea of paying it forward is an excellent example of how things can work. If each of can touch the lives of only one or two people in a day, the effect becomes enormous. If we meet and talk together and make time for genuine social interactions, we can learn more about the needs and desires of those around us. Do you know the people who live in the house or apartment beside you. Have you had them over for coffee or dinner. What about the others you meet every day. We are taught to not interact with people we dont know. My favourite comment, Im better for seeing you., always brings a smile. I wonder what would happen if each of us began saying and doing things to make others smile and feel good? What would happen each us took someone homeless and bough them a coffee or a meal and sat with them and listened to their stories. What happens when instead of giving money, we give of ourselves. Thanks for reading. Share this if you like.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:12:53 +0000

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