I think its about time we start to change the world we live in, to - TopicsExpress


I think its about time we start to change the world we live in, to start caring more, living our own lives more, believing in the things that You want to achieve, not just following other peoples beliefs. What do you do in the morning when you get up, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, all of these things become a routine, a loop that you continue to replay day after day, without changing anything. Days go by and what do you accomplish? You go through the same routine every day and forget about the things that really matter, the things that You yourself had planned, all your goals in life, diminishing as you become a spectator in your own life. Today especially Ive realised that is exactly what has happened to me. Ive forgotten the things Ive wanted to achieve, and just become entranced in a repetitive cycle that has taken over my life. Not allowing me to pursue those dreams I once had as a child, the fantasies everyone has, but give up on once they grow older and realise they arent as easy as they seem. So its time, for everyone. Not just me, to step out of the continuous pattern we follow every single day of our lives. Make a change for once, speak your mind and make people hear you. Change only comes upon us when things are questioned, so lets dare to question the once achievable dreams. Go out and make a difference, pursue your dreams, set goals, achieve them, and change how people live. Today I realised one of my goals, I want to change the situation in countries where children are unable to receive an education. In hopes that one day, I can inspire children and teenagers to take that step and make the change. Even if you dont know how to approach the issue, ask for help, put yourself out there and stand up and say I want to make a change Everyone has the power, dont let anyone tell you otherwise, its just how you choose to use that power, that can be the difference between changing lives, and ignoring the problems in the world that NEED to be changed. A huge Thankyou to Emeli Paulo who today inspired me to make a change. Even if Im unsure as to how I will proceed from here, I know now that if I want to, I can make a change, small or big.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:33:02 +0000

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