I think its particularly hilarious that the US and EU are crapping - TopicsExpress


I think its particularly hilarious that the US and EU are crapping their pants so hard over Crimea joining Russia. Lets look at a few things. 1) Crimea was an Autonomous Area, it had its own Legislative body, that enjoyed Absolute Legislative Authority over Crimean territory. (Much like how Congress has Absolute Legislative Authority in DC, and our territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa) 2) The Ukraine and Russia made this deal after the fall of the Soviet Union. Crimea would be autonomous so that Russia could maintain its Black Sea port and Military assets there. This is an agreed upon status by Ukraine and Russia. 3) The Democratically Elected Government of Ukraine was ousted in a Coup, and a Pro-EU/US Puppet Government installed. (Just recently, we had a big natl debate over providing Egypt with assistance after their Coup) 4) Crimea held a National Referendum. Which is a special Vote thats held, where the entire voting population has say. A massive plurality of voters in Crimea voted to Join the Russian Federation. 5) This Democratically Decided issue is being Condemned by Western and European Powers, yet a Ukrainian Government installed via Coup enjoys full Recognizition from the US and the EU, because this new Govt is Pro EU membership...funny how that works. 6) The Referendum, the most visual desire of the Peoples will, is being called Illegitimate, Illegal, and is being Condemned. Well excuse me...I thought having a Democracy meant that if enough pissed off people ask for the same thing loud enough...that the Government must yield and implement the Peoples Will. This is a good look into how major powers truly view their Peoples. And Russia is showing the world that these Beacons of Freedom and Human Rights only cares for such when its politically expedient (aka Election Time) or as long as these freedoms and rights have loopholes and workarounds... A Referendum declaring either Independence or Separation from an Existing Nation is only allowed if WE agree with the Result. Scotland is approaching a Referendum for their Independence from the UK...and yet This is Recognized and ho-hum business as usual... But if RUSSIA is involved...it just HAS to be nefarious. To which I say probably. But the US is guilty of far more nefarious crimes. Our Media Establishment steadily pumps out Nationalistic propaganda, to drum up Public Acceptance. Just like we always do when the War Drums start to pound. Even if war never comes...the Brainwash has other benefits.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:15:42 +0000

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