I think its pretty safe to say that this week is the biggest - TopicsExpress


I think its pretty safe to say that this week is the biggest astrological event of the year I hear. I talked about this being a powerful week and many have asked what exactly this means so I have copied an explanation that may make more sense to you ( I am not an astrological interpreter mind you)...I have presentation tomorrow so this is your Friday post:) Here are some tips for navigating this time: (1) Think outside the box. Uranus presence in the grand cross means that outmoded ways to working, thinking and communicating will no longer be effective. Take inventory to make sure that you are up with the times and running as efficiently as possible. Upgrading skills and strategies is favored now. (2) Expand rather than shut down. Instead of tightening the belt, ask yourself if expansion can be had for the same amount of energy and effort. If you do make cuts, make them very consciously. My coach says your comfort zone is your money zone. I believe it. If we constrict, we limit the flow. (3) Channel excess energy. Anger is prevalent now, dont let it run amok or show up at inappropriate times and places. Work out, do martial arts or yoga. Whatever keeps you centered. This is important, because chances are, youll be dealing with people who are more reactive now. (4) Be flexible. Notice the tendency to want to control. Know your vision, but let go of the hows of achieving it. Be open to other peoples ideas and strategies, especially if yours have not been working so well. This can actually be a time of brilliance, breakthroughs and transformative level changes. There will be change, so make sure you are mindful and in your vision. You want to be the creator of that change rather than the victim of it. Look for any areas in which victim-consciousness shows up, notice it, and reclaim your power.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:59:08 +0000

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