I think its very interesting to pay attention to the contents of - TopicsExpress


I think its very interesting to pay attention to the contents of these catcalls. Even though theyre trying to make the case that it would be very insulting to guys if girls catcalled them more often (which, honestly, come on...), the creators of the video couldnt help but interject their narcissism, gynocentrism, and angelic assumptions about womens interests in their partners. Their catcalls go like this: You look like you love commitment. What you got under that shirt? I bet its a good heart. Come talk to me, sweetie. You want a family? Oooh darling, you look monogamous. You look like youre emotionally stable. So women are just that virtuous and benevolent when it comes to their interests in mates. Really? Is this really what women are always thinking when they check out a guy? On one hand, the video is funny and ironic. But on the other hand, this is actually really arrogant and deliberately deceptive because its implying that if women were to catcall men more often, their catcalls would be far more benevolent and reasonable and heartfelt -- women would be classier, basically. The whole basic argument being thrust forward is that women are inherently less shallow than men. Women have more humanity than men. So theyre just reinforcing male stereotypes and pedelstalizing womens personalities. I dont think this was an honest demonstration at all, and I dont think womens interests are always as angelic and benevolent as theyre presented here. The creators of the video would just love to think that. They like to think that women in our culture are all little prototypes of saints, and its the men who have got to clean out their bigotry and get their shit together. To be fair, there was maybe one honest and comparable catcall at the end. All the rest are just meant to stroke the egos of women. Every girl on my friends list is worshiping this video and shoving it in guys faces. Its basically sending a message which says, Look what shit you are. Even if we girls were to try to act as shitty as you, we would still be classier and more refined. But then again, what do you expect from Buzzfeed? Honestly, the real difference between men and women is that women are far less likely to say their dirty thoughts out loud. But they still have them. If Buzzfeed were to make an honest video showing what women really think sometimes, I imagine the quotes would be a bit unflattering to the saintly mystique that many women enjoy, so it would be decried as misogynistic and offensive to women.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:42:31 +0000

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