I think it’s time that we are honest with ourselves. Every day - TopicsExpress


I think it’s time that we are honest with ourselves. Every day we complain about unemployment amongst the white population while a lot of us still prefer to employ non-whites. Who trained the non-white masons? Qualified white masons are extremely hard to find. According to Naspers we are better off due to B.E.E. because it forced us to become entrepreneurs but who did we decide to employ? Our children is under the impression that they can get a job that pays extremely well directly after they finished school with no experience at all. They believe that some jobs are beneath them. I have heard many times that people say it’s a black man’s job. The time has come for us to take a hard look at ourselves and change our attitudes. Building contractors can start by employing white children and teach them the ins and outs of the building industry instead of teaching them to sit in the bakkie the whole day and look at how others work. I suggest that they are taught how to mix cement, lay roofs, etc. We are to blame for the youth having lost these skills. Due to our laziness we have made ourselves dependant on the black workforce. Everywhere the fact that the domestic workers are working with the barbarian burglars are being discussed. How many of the white population is unemployed but refuses to work as someone’s maid because they will not work for that amount of money? We only have ourselves to blame, we have become lazy and we expect that everything must be done for us. Everyone wants to be the boss. I saw a post on a community group during the week where the main discussion centred on the white guy doing the work himself instead of just sitting in the bakkie “supervising”. Why does your gardener need to be black? Where is the youth that wants to earn their pocket money? They expect it to be given to them not to earn it. They believe it is beneath them to work the whole Saturday for a measly R150 depending on where you live. The white population does not want to get dirty while they work because their clothes are too expensive. We removed ourselves from certain workforces since we felt the work is beneath us or that the money wasn’t good enough. Our greed caused this. The attitude is that I can make more money and live in luxury by using cheap labour and today we sit with the problems this attitude caused us. Ironically it’s the whites that taught the blacks the skills they needed to eject us from our jobs. This happened well before 1991. The time has arrived for us to take back the skills and stand together as a community to generate more jobs for ourselves. By all means let the world look after the rest of the country if they want to but it’s time for us to start taking care of our own, especially the elderly in old age homes. The state does not subsidise old age homes with incorrect quotas. These old people who made our lives possible are now moved to the side-lines by the Government and the white population of the land. We prefer that black people look after the elderly instead of ourselves. What happens when they go on strike? Who suffers? Definitely not us that can afford to live in our own homes and look after ourselves. We are more concerned about our social standing , what people think of us and even how animals are treated than about the elderly that sometimes have nothing to eat and must somehow survive on a state pension of R1200 per month. On the same community group a woman wrote that they received a donation of Corn Flakes two weeks ago which she then distributed amongst the elderly only to learn yesterday that the one lady only ate the corn flakes with water for every meal the past two weeks WITHOUT complaining. Where are we, not the media, us? We shine in our absence when it comes to the care of these old people. We like to pretend that we are so good but we neglect to help the needy because we are too busy enriching ourselves. We are willing to spend hundreds of Rands on music concerts or Rugby (with all respect, I realise that it’s your money and you are allowed to spend it on what you want) but when it comes to the needy we don’t even want to pay R10. Our mouths are big about white squatter camps but how many of us are really actively involved in helping these people? Not only by donating food or clothes but helping them to become self-sufficient by teaching them a trade. Using their own labour to build houses in their areas will make them self-sufficient and no longer dependant on others. Metaphorically speaking we must start teaching them how to fish instead of giving them fish in the way of food parcels. We must teach these people to become self-sufficient so that they can feel proud once more and pull them out of the rubbish heap where we as the community consigned them to. There are many areas where we, not the Government, can take the initiative to support and uplift our population. The boycott against Naspers is proof enough that we can stand together despite our religious and political differences. We can stand together whether the enemy is Naspers or B.E.E. The non-white population looks better after their elderly than us. We do have the means to change the situation in our community, we just need the willpower. Create groups in your communities. It is not necessary to register a non-profit organisation but it makes the gathering of donations a lot easier if you do. It is time to stop being dependent on the Government or the political agendas of others and to start to looks after our own people and our own future.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 19:54:51 +0000

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