I think most of you out there in Facebookland know that I have had - TopicsExpress


I think most of you out there in Facebookland know that I have had a rough time of it lately; first my partner Mack Padgett passed away, then I had a cousin (we always called him uncle) James Byrd pass away, and when looking at the arrangements posted on the funeral homes website, recognized the name of a lady who had been a regular at TGIFridays and at Famous Daves, Jeannine Carroll. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support and love they have shown throughout this trying time. The folks at work were great, very understanding of my need of time off to be with Mack during his final days and his family, Jeanie Padgett Cox and Greg Yazzie and Jennifer Wehn and Jeanette Agner and all the rest made me feel like I had known them for years. And my own family...despite their differences with Mack, have been there giving all of us their support and love and sending prayers for Mack and his family. And I am slowly (oh so slowly) beginning to heal. I know that the hurt, the ache, the hole that Macks passing left in my heart will never go away completely, but I am adapting to it, learning to live with it. I have been so touched by the littlest things. When I was at work this last Saturday, I saw one of the Costco folks whom I hadnt worked with since the end of December. She asked me if Mack was doing better...and I kinda lost it, right there in the middle of Costco on their busiest day of the year. I pulled myself together and told her what had happened and we both went back to work. The remarkable part of that day was what happened next. A complete stranger, a teenage girl who had witnessed the entire exchange walked over to me and, eyes brimming with tears and that catch in the voice that I know so well these days, told me that she too had just lost someone in her life and knew what I was feeling. She asked if she could give me a hug and that started my own waterworks again. So thank you random teenage girl (Alex or Alexis, I think) you truly made my day and your parents have raised a very sweet and special young lady. And thats enough cathartic rambling for today...
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:41:13 +0000

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