I think most people know that today marks a horrible event that - TopicsExpress


I think most people know that today marks a horrible event that occurred 13 years ago which is now seared into everyones psyche. There is a lot of sadness, fear, anger and numerous other emotions associated with what happened. Tons of videos and analysis exists should anybody want to dig into the mechanics of that day. Lots of opinions and analysis as well. I could get into all that, but I wont. Instead I wonder how can I do anything about it? I am but one Man. There is an old French Brittany prayer that says: O God. Thy sea is so great and my boat is so small The overwhelming response I saw from the events of that day was people flooding to their governments to petition them to do something about it. Begging the governments to protect us and keep us safe. Most people felt very vulnerable and powerless which is a very uncomfortable feeling. Our governments were more than happy to accommodate the peoples requests. For me, I decided to take a very different approach. I realized that in life, nothing is safe. If I wanted safe, I would sit in a bunker all day long, afraid to live, experience and enjoy life. Instead, I took responsibility for my own life and my own emotional reaction to the event. I chose not to give my power and authority away to some third party. I AM responsible for my own safety and prosperity, nobody else. I decided to live my life with peace, freedom, prosperity and love DESPITE all the SHIT going on in the world. I decided to be happy and do what I feel is RIGHT rather than what is popular or legal. I decided that I would take a risk and life the life I felt we were meant to live. The events of September 11, 2001 woke a lot of people up, including myself. I will not ignore it as it is an important event in so many peoples lives. Many people have died, been injured and enslaved as a result of that horrible event. Many other events have come before it and have happened since. It is a very scary feeling to take that leap of faith and step away from the parent that we all thought was there to protect and guide us. It is a very lonely feeling, just like that small little boat in the vast ocean of life. For me, I have faith that the Creator will guide and look after me. I will not leave until it is my time to go. As such, I can take calculated and conscious risks to do more than I would have normally considered. I AM but one Man. I can and I do make a difference. I may not be able to hunt down all those responsible, but I will be damned if I will surrender my power because of their evil ways. Instead, they created somebody even more powerful than before. Their actions help forge the strong will to self govern, to not surrender to their fear tactics, to find ways to remove dependencies and to share that with others who are interested in standing in their own authority, power and light. Peace to all those who saw through the veil and found empowerment rather than dependency. That is what these events are all about. When we embrace our own power, theirs diminishes. Our goal is to have everyone working towards the same goal. As a result their power dries up and we ride the world of evil without a single shot being fired. We accomplish what we are looking for through peaceful means. That will be our triumph and I am grateful to the Creator for showing me this path. I asked that God use me as a tool. So here I am. I love you all I AM that I AM
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:39:44 +0000

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