I think of myself as a forward rather than backward looking person - TopicsExpress


I think of myself as a forward rather than backward looking person but, this time of year I always get nostalgic. Something about anniversaries, Thanksgiving, colder temperatures and longer autumn nights, make my mind wander back to old friends and a different time in my life. Recently I have been thinking a great deal about the time I spent in a nearly mythical place called Frank Moskus In Exile Bar. So much of what I hold dear is linked in someway to that place and time. I met my husband Mark there and we were married there. In the middle room , surrounded by re-purposed stained glass, family and friends, we vowed our love nearly 40 years ago. I have no desire to live in the past but I would be a liar if I said I did not miss those times. Being young and mostly unafraid. Playing guitar and singing on what will always be my favorite stage- pretending to be a drummer and singing old songs with Frank playing on the black keys of the piano to close the night - singing harmony with other musicians, some who are no longer with us - and sitting at the piano with my dear friend Johnny sometimes singing along sometimes just listening to his amazing talent. Frank and Jan were the leaders of our little circus , the center of which our little group revolved around. We worked hard and we played harder. Closing the bar our ever expanding and contracting clique would go to breakfast at Dennys, Howard Johnsons or Uncle Bills, drinking endless cups of coffee winding down and enjoying each others company or hot summer nights going to Donnas for late night swimming in her backyard pool, or partying at someones house, passing around cheap tequila and guitars sharing songs, laughter and tears. We were there for each other. sharing all that life brought to each of us. Which brings me to todays expression of gratitude. I am so very thankful for that time in my life, for what it taught me, For the life lessons learned there. For the people it brought in and out of my life. For the dear dear souls no longer with us now but who will forever live in my heart. My most grateful THANK YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:51:27 +0000

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