I think one of the best things you can do in this life is to make - TopicsExpress


I think one of the best things you can do in this life is to make wherever you are, at the current moment, the place to be. Make it a party. Make the people around you happy. Make your current location, whether you are there for today/this week/this year/this minute, the most exciting place... in the whole world. If you do this, life will be a lot more fun. People dream of happiness coming from a far off land, from a mystical place, from an vague hope a million miles away. They think it will come from consumer products, from a new car, from a new house -- from these status symbols that just create a lot of stress and suck down gallons of physical and emotional energy in their upkeep and maintenance. You dont own your possessions or your shelter or your clothes or your car or anything else you think is titled under your name, they own you. Make sure your masters are easy on you. Dont get me wrong, our travels absolutely help us learn and are important, and owning a few things might be helpful too, but its 98% about what you accomplish and what you become, not what you own or what you can brag about. It is important to try and to seek and to wonder, but never lose sight of the fact that what you want may be right in front of you, and it may be something really simple. Chances are you are at least in part chasing the love of the people directly in front of you you to begin with, and, guess what, the Beatles said the love you take is equal to the love you make. The answer then, would be to make more love and enjoyment and fun and excitement right where you are and let it build from there. You will get it back in spades. Its all right in front of you.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:25:35 +0000

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