I think one of the biggest problems facing this country is lack of - TopicsExpress


I think one of the biggest problems facing this country is lack of compassion. It shouldnt matter the color of your skin, who you want to marry, or how much money you make - were all humans, and were all in this together. If we took a moment to put ourselves in the shoes of another, we would not be so hateful to each other. Heres one way you can get a glimpse of what its like to have brown skin in America - read this letter to the editor of the Indy Star, written by Jeannette Chavez: I have spent a good chunk of my morning digesting this crap. I am so tired of being marginalized and these two cartoons marginalize every person of color in this country. I wrote the editor of the Indy Star. I dedicate my letter to my Dad, Eli, who has put up with this bullshit far longer than I have. Dear Jeff – I am writing you direct because your paper’s website has a 200 word limit for letters to the editor. What I have to say will take more than 200 words. You made a really bad decision to put both of those cartoons in your paper. Neither cartoon is appropriate. Neither cartoon is acceptable. Your decision to publish these cartoons in your newspaper, and endorse their messages, is un-American. I will tell you why, if you haven’t already gotten it. This isn’t about politics, Jeff. This is about your conscious, and deliberate, decision to marginalize human beings - all kinds of human beings (brown ones, black ones, ones that sport mustaches.) You may disagree with what President Obama has done but you don’t have the right to marginalize any of us. That white family, sitting around their table with their meal, speaks volumes to the direction this nation just can’t take. We can’t turn the corner on bigotry and hatefulness because folks, like you, won’t let us. I am an American. Born here, raised here. Just like my Great-Great-Great Grandfather before me. My family has lived in this country under three different flags. We didn’t cross any borders, Jeff. They crossed us. My Grandfather and my father both served this nation in the armed forces. During my life time I have been called a “wetback” and various other colorful names that point out that my last name is “Chavez” and not “Smith.” I have had my arms rubbed by bigots who wanted to know if I felt differently than they did. I have been called “my little Mexican” by a boyfriend (as if I was property and he owned me.) I have had pickles put into my pancakes while traveling through the Texas panhandle by a fry cook that saw me as something less than he. My ex mother-in-law wouldn’t pick up and hold my “brown” daughter. She would only hold my other daughter who had blonde hair. I could go on but I think you get the picture. I can’t speak for the undocumented workers in this country. You know, Jeff, the ones that live in the shadows and do the crap jobs that most Americans would never do. What I can say about them is that they are the ones who slaughter and clean the chicken that is on your table. They are the ones that pick your food while inhaling pesticides. They are the ones that put roofs on your houses, tidy up your lawns and clean up the messes in your hotel rooms. And, best of all, they are the ones that take care of your children because they are a cheap labor source. By publishing those cartoons you set the tone. You tell your readers it is okay to be fearful of brown people. You insinuate that brown folks, who are so empowered now, will be breaking and entering into white middle class suburbia homes and taking your food. You push the fear factor, Jeff. Then you have the absolute cojones (balls) to tell your readers that you “erred” in putting two cartoons in your paper that are clearly racist and packed full with hate-mongering punches. Seriously, Jeff? You think you can get away with the direct marginalization of your fellow Americans (and the undocumented ones that clean your toilets) by playing the oh, we didnt mean to offend anyone card? We are onto you, Jeff. You need to get out more, Jeff. But don’t come to New Mexico. We have lots of cultural diversity here that will scare the hell out of you. And, you can’t drink the water. --Jeannette Chavez
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:37:07 +0000

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