I think one reason we judge others so harshly is because we are - TopicsExpress


I think one reason we judge others so harshly is because we are mistaken in how God judges us. God hates sin. Yes. But He doesnt hate us when we sin. He doesnt pull away and point a finger and say Until you get that crap together, Im not helping you. No. Its actually the opposite. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Do you think God is surprised by sin? Do you think we can be going along in life and one day sin (which in one way or another whether of omission or commission, we sin!) and God say Well, there goes my plans! No. Over and over in His Word He reminds us, Im here. I will help you. I want to help you. You are mine. I love you.. And I like you. And for your sake, I hate sin because it hurts you and others, but I never shun you because of it. This is sadly not the God most people know, because this is not THE GOD that we epitomize. How you judge others is how I will judge you. I dont know about you... But that sparks grace and mercy like no other. With the same measure you use with others I will use for you. And suddenly a selfish, critical heart becomes generous and kind. Lets not mistake our thoughts for His, nor our judgements. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, says The Lord. Neither are my ways your ways. We dont know Who God is because we dont study His Word. And guess what, thats sin.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 14:11:13 +0000

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