I think that this nation should have a Free Speech support rally - TopicsExpress


I think that this nation should have a Free Speech support rally that will show the world that while President Obama did not send anyone to France in fear of the consequences and security reasons that we have a We the People Festival of Freedom to rally support for a Free Press and Free Speech Independence from choke-hold Goliaths. The U.S. has Media Moguls, who stifle American public opinions that they have censured our Press into their private secured domains. That we need to bring Ben Franklin idealism back into our Free Press, where journalists again have literary Freedom, and an editor is as much a part of the public, as being a puppet master to disseminate CEO Media Mogul bias. It is time to have a revolution in all the Mass Mediums, where ALL views are respected within a dialog of communication of mutual respected diversity. The White House failed the Free Press and Free Speech that Progressive Republicans have swayed from the Constitution that they never stand up for the principles stated within its Declaration of Independence from Special Interests and Corporate Empires. That politicians have made a private fraternity of fraternization that has divorced 80% of Americas neighborhoods, while serving their tax haven clients, who have outsourced the Middle Class American Dream. President Obama you had a chance to walk with the people in a show of support, and time again you chose the path most traveled by turning away from a path less traveled in courage, like that U.S. general that in WWII said , NUTS. Never Under Tyranny Surrender our Free Press and Free Speech individual Independence to stand up and be counted as an American. So sad that when France stood up for America in 1776 for our Constitutional principles that a single person that I am aware of in Congress went to France and walked for the principles in the Constitution. That in fact Congress is a wimp afraid to offend the minority of Muslims. Had this Congress been in force in 1776, they may have capitulated out of fear what the british would do to those Ben Franklin Free Press supporters. I guess Benghazi,NFL,and NASCAR Tax Breaks, and Congressional Perks were more important that installing the principles of Ben Franklin back into Americas Free Press, and reasure Free Speech has its place in Americas future. No wonder Americans are divorcing the Progressive Party and the Republican Party of the elite demanding Tax Havens for censoring our Freedoms. Am I Right? No I am LEFT with the mess that LIES in our political incorporation that serves Corporate Welfare Masters, while giving us the Right to America in legislating Right to Work, Right to Vote, and finally the Right to America that legislates Corporate Masters who Judge their plantation flock of obedient lambs. Mr. President an America patriot called MLK had the guts to stand up and be counted, even if he felt the fatal outcome. This is what America is about to stand up to Injustice as the police dogs attacked peaceful protesters. What happened Mr. President that a Constitutional lawyer decides not to rally for the principles in the Constitution? Where was Kerry, Hillary, Bill, Romney, or any political Presidential hopeful in supporting the Free Press? If we have a Freedom Festival supporting Ben Franklins Free Press, how many Progressive Republicans would walk hand in hand with We the People? Now it was for support for or against the NRA, they would be out in force. Am I Right? No, I am LEFT ashamed in what LIES in our political system. This poet has told to stop writing Poetry in his home, that 24/7 I was not allowed to express myself in any verse that in a Right to Work Corporations can dictate what you do 24/7. I was Terminated for Poetry that they used my love of Poetry and threw it in my face at Termination. They said I did not have to tell amyone, but hell no the TRUTH is that I was Terminated for Poetry. I have asked that this German firm have compassion ans have a meeting to terminate me, with a mutual hand shake. God Bless America, I wish this Ole Ben poet could dress up in a colonial attire and go to France in support of Ben Franklins Free Speech. To do what a American President needed to do. But then this is just a dream that in America we are Progressive Republican subjugated. But what if journalists, reporters, and Free Thinkers walked hand in hand her in America and in France? Oh Free Verse vent alight words sailing aloft Freedom, where Democracy has inspirational wings and eagles have talons that inspire Liberty. Let us sail among billowing individual rights, where are words carry the Truths power, and the Constitution Free Speech Press prevails. A rant of Free spirited Freedom, venting Free expression Liberty. A society (closed) must not tell how to think, but a society (open) must show you how to think. Ben Dobelganger 01/13/15
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:02:52 +0000

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