I think the Chinese phrase, hu1 leng3 hu1 re4, describes you to a - TopicsExpress


I think the Chinese phrase, hu1 leng3 hu1 re4, describes you to a T, where your Jackd and live personas are concerned. On the app I was met with brief replies most of the time, such that I wondered how long I could sustain conversation. Unexpectedly though, less than 24 hours after we first conversed, you asked me for dinner. I was ecstatic since I didnt think youd be wanting to meet up so soon, if at all; you said that it was to see if we could click in real life, otherwise there was no point talking further also. That made sense yes, I just didnt think that the Meet Up stage would come so soon. Unfortunately I had some gathering to attend that night, and I decided to proceed, because we both felt that it was only the right thing to do. Great, I thought, you didnt ask me to be a bad boy and ignore my existing commitment to meet you. Alignment of values! Only met up 2 days later, and I was rather stressed out. Youre only the second Jackd person I was going to meet after all lol, plus you are significantly younger. That was one of the biggest concerns on my mind to be honest, always had this thinking that people would prefer to hang out with, not to mention date, others closer to their own age. We had also only settled on meeting place, but not where to eat. I wondered around looking for places which would feel right; when it comes to matters of the heart, I tend to go by intuition lol. Finally shortlisted a place, but then I wondered if you might come in a singlet or shorts. Ok lah, no time to think already, youll be here any moment, so I just mentally prepped myself to see you. You looked a little different in person, but then so do I! I proceeded to show you my proposed restaurant, but you thought it seemed a little too atas. That was another good sign, but it also meant that we were back to square one. As we searched, interestingly enough, the conversation just flowed naturally. Maybe I had been thinking too much about the worst case scenarios, but Id expected that wed just be walking around in silence mostly, focused on the final destination. In any case, amidst some laughs and what not, we shared whatever scant knowledge we had of the F&B places in the area, and finally we decided. I wanted to do what I thought would be the gentleman thing and let you do all the dish choosing, but it seemed like you wanted me to take charge instead (damnit haha). So my next strategy was to ask you how often you had eaten here before, were there any must-haves, etc. In the end I chose dishes which looked interesting and palatable AND which you didnt try before; you were so earnestly agreeable to anything I suggested, I couldnt help smiling non stop. In fact, throughout dinner, there was no need for me to remind myself to smile more so that I could come across as being approachable. As I type this, I suddenly recall you saying you noted how my eyes lit up when I saw the bright and colourful food; it reminds me of how my ex said pretty much the same thing while I was sharing with him one of my passions. Furthermore, it was said in a similar slight teasing tone. I guess my eyes tend to betray my inner thoughts and state of mind, for better or worse. Cant be a bad thing for you to have observed me that closely I guess? :) Your randomness came into play again when mid-way into the meal, you suddenly took a piece of fish and placed it on my plate. I mean, helping me out with the condiments was one thing, but, to me at least, this was another level. Conversation during dinner was as per the pre-dinner walk. We had almost non-stop chatter somehow, and we didnt even get around to the basics like asking each others interests! I learnt quite a bit about you without my need for questioning, including the all-important age-related one; the age gap between you and your ex was exactly that between you and me now, what are the odds?! Your overall sincerity and openness was really surprising to me for a first meet up, and it felt more like a 3rd or 4th time instead. Furthermore, this was a stark contrast to the Jackd you. Time really flew, cliched as the saying is, and we stayed till 4 minutes before the restaurant closing time. There was so much more I wanted to say, and I wanted to stay with you so much more, but reality beckoned. I also didnt know how you felt about me, maybe all my feelings and perceptions are one-sided. I shared my experience and feelings with close friends, and they all said the same thing: Im totally smitten by you. This, despite my repeated self-reminders to just enjoy the moment and not think so much. Despite the positive signs, until I hear it from you explicitly, I dont dare to make any assumptions. Besides, its been mere days! I guess Im also afraid to prick my own bubble of a dream, should you tell me that you just want to be friends. Wonder what the upcoming days will bring... - M&M
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:05:00 +0000

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