I think the Stand Your Ground law should be repealed. Because, - TopicsExpress


I think the Stand Your Ground law should be repealed. Because, just like most United States criminal laws, it is not fairly enforced. And the statement (below) made by Trayvon Martins father really makes me want to cry, because I see it as a cop out: What the law is actually saying is this country doesnt value the life of black and brown kids. We want our kids to understand their lives are equal value of anybody else life, the elder Martin said. We need to stop blaming the failure of the black man entirely on this country. There is enough blame to go around. Im thinking out loud: Its a possibility Trayvon would still be alive if his mother hadnt sent him to his fathers house for the weekend because Trayvon was being disobedient in her home. Its a strong possibility Jordan would still be alive had he not been listening to loud devil worship or offensive rap music. Im a black woman & the disrespectful attitude & rude behavior of a lot of young blacks (male & female) scares the hell out of me! It is true. Black people are as intelligent as the next human-being; but our priorities as black people are mixed up. If we want our kids to understand their lives are equal value of anybody else life then we as parents need to train our kids while they are young to believe that truth. We have too many black single parent households; because too many fathers disappear after their sons & daughters are born. Separation of parents cause children emotional & mental harm. Trayvon probably smoked marijuana as a way to deal with the absence of his father. I worked as a police officer in Miami-Dade county for 25 years & I had to deal with racism & hatred on both sides of the track. Satan doesnt discriminate when he recruits people to inflict harm on others. Please get a copy of my bestselling novel Diamonds Fate & read it, and read the Bible while youre at it. Both books offer excellent advice on how to win this spiritual battle or warfare going on right now. WEVE BEEN MARCHING FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS & GETTING THE SAME NEGATIVE RESULTS. HOW MANY MORE MARCHES ARE WE GOING TO CONDUCT, BEFORE WE REALIZE THE BATTLE IS NOT AS HARD AS IT SEEMS. ALL WE NEED TO DO IS PROPERLY TRAIN & EDUCATE OUR BLACK CHILDREN, SO THEY CAN BECOME TOMORROWS LEADERS IN AMERICA & NOT AMERICAS HIGHEST INMATE POPULATION. THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE FROM THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:43:54 +0000

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