I think the big thing I got from this is that you have to follow - TopicsExpress


I think the big thing I got from this is that you have to follow your curiosity and your intuition. Let me repeat that – you have to follow your curiosity and intuition. The issue with that is many of us don’t do that because we can’t connect the dots, and you can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can’t. You can only look at the dots later in life. It’s so powerful to see the examples of people who are living their lives that follow this curiosity and this intuition, because we need to start believing in it more. We need to start feeling that curiosity, that intuition, moving us forward, moving us towards our passions, moving us towards our dreams, knowing that those dots will be connected later. You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can’t see them. You have to trust, and as Steve Jobs says, “you have to trust your gut, destiny, life, karma, or whatever.” But, you have to trust that those dots will be connected. Believing somehow that the dots will connect you your future will give you this confidence, even in your heart when it doesn’t seem like you’re moving down the path. I think this is one of the most powerful things Steve Jobs said – when you believe in the dots and you believe that all this is going to somehow to come together, then you’ll follow your heart, you’ll follow that intuition, you’ll follow that curiosity, and you’ll get off that well-worn path he says, and that will make all the difference. Let me repeat that. You’ll get off the well-worn path because you’ll have the confidence in your heart to allow the dots to be connected, and once you get off that well-worn path it’ll make all the difference. Those aren’t my words. Those are the words of Steve Jobs, and it’s amazing how powerful that truly is. This speech is powerful, it’s moving, and I think the cool thing about it is that it really goes along with the MorningCoach philosophy and the metaphysical ideas of truth, of really understanding intuition, of trusting your heart, of allowing things to work for you and getting out of your own way, when most people don’t. Most people are stuck. They don’t get out of their own way. So today is about connecting the dots – it’s about those small decisions that we make in life that we either get off the beaten path and we say ‘OK, I trust my heart, and I have confidence that this is all going to work out’, or we go down the path that says ‘this is how I’ve been conditioned to believe. This is the conditioned thing I’m supposed to do, and this is the way I’m supposed to do it’. We need to start trusting ourselves in our decision-making, trusting ourselves in our processes, trusting our belief systems, and start building on that because that’s what’s going to take us into the future. That, as Steve Jobs says is what’s going to make all the difference. It’s what’s going to get us off the beaten path. Believe those dots will somehow connect in the future. I can’t tell you how important that is, especially when you’re facing challenges, when you’re facing opportunity, when you’re facing decisions. Be aware of your decisions; be aware as you live your life – that’s the key thing. This is the whole primary purpose of MorningCoach, to help you wake up with awareness, to change the way you go about your day through awareness. Instead of being asleep, you’re awake to see what’s happening around you, and the first step of connecting the dots is to be aware, be aware of the decisions you’re making, be aware as you move forward. You know, I don’t like to use golf analogies all the time because I’m playing so much, but there’s so much to it – like life. Every shot is important in golf, but what happens they all start to run together, and that’s when you don’t score. You’ve got to be aware that every shot is important – everything you do in life is important. We don’t want to be stuck in analysis by paralysis, but we also want to be able to use our awareness, use our judgement, use that intuition, use that curiosity, to move us down our path. That’s the awareness we’re looking for. It’s very important we awaken to that. Make them all count, make every decision count, make every opportunity count. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, as long as you make them count. Learn from them, don’t make the same mistakes twice, and build upon the lessons. Remember, as Zig Ziglar said, “the big shot is just the little shot that kept shooting”. Keep shooting – the more you shoot the more you learn, the more you learn the more you grow. So many people are so scared to drop into classes, to learn something new, to follow their intuition, to break the mould, to take the path less-travelled. But that’s the secret. Steve Jobs says again, and I’ll repeat this, “believing in the dots will somehow connect in your future, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even to get off that well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.” Tell me how cool that is. When’s the last time you got off the beaten path? It’s critical that you understand alignment, and you’ll hear me talk about alignment a lot. If you haven’t had a chance to study and research this, that’s where the Get Out of Neutral product comes in. You could spend some time with that because it’s really deep, and it’s going to take some time to get there, and it’s totally cool. But alignment is about understanding your values, understanding the mission that you’re going after, and then understanding the goals that align with those values. Why that is so critical in the discussion if today’s topic, connecting the dots, is when you go to make a decision, you’ve got to check your alignment. Are your values in alignment with your goals? Are your goals in alignment with your mission? This is where many people break down. You see, my number one goal in my life was freedom, and it still is up there – family’s right there. I have some of my own personal values, and everybody has their own, but freedom is very important to me. I can’t be locked down. Guess what I did? I never did a value analysis, I never went through a program to look at my alignment. What I did is I took job after job, I did my MBA, I was out in the corporate world, did my PhD, just kept going, searching, trying to find some peace, trying to find some happiness, and the thing was I wasn’t happy because I didn’t have my values in alignment, I wasn’t trusting my decisions to anything. I was just making them. So when I was getting more money offered to me to go up the corporate ladder, I didn’t recognize the fact that I wanted freedom, so as I sat behind that desk and somebody said ‘you have to go on an airplane to this place, you have to go on an airplane to that place’, it made me miserable because my number one value was freedom. So what are your values? What’s so important? Can you look at those values when you go to make a decision? It’s so critical – that alignment is critical. It’s what’s going to help you connect the dots. Does it change? Yeah, your missions change. Do your goals changes? Yes, they change. Do your values change? – of course, as we grow. But the key is that we look at those every quarter, every six months, and we understand the direction we’re going, so when we have that important decision to make, we look back and say ‘does this go into my value of freedom? Am I going to be able to spend time with my family? Is it going to fit into my value of adventure?’ If it doesn’t fit there, then make the decision that goes along with your values, OK? Have the awareness that it doesn’t go with your values so you don’t make that decisions, and be aware of your values so that you can use that alignment to move you forward. This is so powerful when you figure it out, it’s so powerful. So understand alignment. Always think – you know, I was in fraternity in college, and that’s one of the things we had to learn. They told us, ‘always think’, and I’ve held that with me every day. In fact, we had this plastic owl named Joshua, and Joshua was always watching, it’s cool to use symbolism like that, especially when you’re a young man growing up. But if you think of an owl, very wise, watching you all the time, then you always have think about the decisions, it really changes it, and when you reflect and take that moment to think, it can make a huge difference in your life. So understand your values, then see Joshua following you around, that owl that is keeping his eyes on you, and then always think when those decisions are about to be made. Again, another powerful visual that will help you. Trust your intuition. If you take one thing away today from Steve Jobs and what he says, from what I’m teaching today, trust your intuition, your heart, your feel, your gut. Know that it’s there, and trust it, then write down the positive things in your journal that are occurring when you do trust it, because you’ve got to build your faith, you’ve got to build that belief, you’ve got to build that confidence in your heart that Steve Jobs is talking about, otherwise you just fall right back to your conditioning, you fall right back to that state of everybody else. We’re all being conditioned, every minute, every day of our lives, and that’s why we lose that ability to tie into that intuition, and today’s about tying into it, it’s about looking forward and allowing the dots to be connected to take you to that next level, OK? Don’t stall, don’t be afraid to make decisions in your life. Get out there and live life. I mean, write your story – don’t be somebody that sits back and lets things fester. It isn’t good for your health, it’s not good for your manifestations, and it’s not good for your positive attitude. Learn to be a decision maker, and trust. Don’t listen to it from me, listen to it from Steve Jobs, someone who had amazing success. I’m recording on Apple computer and looking at an iPad for my notes, with an iPhone sitting on my desk. These devices wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the vision of Steve Jobs, and they wouldn’t be here if he didn’t trust his intuition and curiosity. It’s your job to do that today – it’s your job today to believe in yourself, to start building that belief in your intuition, to start building that belief inside and that internet belief, that internal intuition that’s going to move you forward, because, you know what? Believing the dots will somehow connect is critical, because it will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when you get off that well-worn path, and that will make all the difference in the world. Powerful. Trust – trust in me, trust in Steve Jobs, trust in the ability that you have within the miracle that you are, that you have this intelligence, you have this intuition, and you can connect to something greater than yourself. When you do that, the dots will be connected, and you’ll move fast, I mean rapidly, towards your dreams. You just to have to get out of your own way.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:40:57 +0000

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