I think the court should now establish if REEVA used the - TopicsExpress


I think the court should now establish if REEVA used the toilet/answered any call of nature b4 she was shot,that might clearly expose the fact that Pistorious shot her instantly aftr she enterd d loo,tht myt luk lyk a premeditatd murdr n d fact tht one f d bullet penetratd Reevas hip would expose sum hidden truth,bcos ther ws no way d bulet wl penetrate d the hip shud she hv bn siting n a toilet seat n d fact tht thr s proof that is without doubt tht she ws standing wn she ws shot,it myt imply that both f them knew wht ws going on.a suspect a heatd conflict btwn d two.I submit a claim that that legless creature ws just behnd Reeva hence he shot her whlst standin,standing wud indicte Reeva ne e le gone a tsenang m toilet.so lare ws it nt a premeditatd murdr?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:31:10 +0000

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