I think the government should shutdown all cellphone towers and - TopicsExpress


I think the government should shutdown all cellphone towers and internet for 96hours without telling anyone, just to see how people would react? People wouldnt know how to function or think effectively. People will think its the end of the world because they cant access social media. Some will be able to function no problem where as others will want to march on Washington because of it. Too many of us have lost sight of reality and its sickening, there isnt enough originality which is why bafoonery is praised as much as it is. Everyone wants to be the next this or that, what happened to becoming this or that? Social Media and News media has this country fooled and whats horrible is that they know it and laugh because they believe the American population is that stupid and naive that just about anything can be done and no one notice or even care. Wake up People!!!! you are already being controlled and havent realized it. Cellphones, social media are the easiest way to know exactly how many people are this country whether illegal or not. Every wonder why Analog cable went away?? because Digital is easier to track and a lot easier to hack, those boxes are equipped with GPS locators just like your cellphones and just because you turn the god thing on your phone off doesnt mean they dont know where you are. They dont need census counts anymore because they already have them. Cellphones, that little green box that looks like it belongs to the phone company, some alarm clocks, radios, TVs and even fences (yeah fences) have surveillance capabilities. Everyone is already being watched and closely monitored, the drones things is just to give people something to talk about. Theyve been around longer than You or I been alive. Dont get caught up in bizarre events that are occurring these DirtBags are doing it for the FAME,which is really Freaking LAME!!!! I mean come on think about it the LAX shooting(hearts and prayers to the families effected) and then the next day a bomb threat at another airport that turned out to be a hoax, but caused a huge ruckus.Un-freaking believable!!! This copy cat BS has to stop, its really LAME that there are people out there looking to become famous by causing people to harm and themselves harm. I feel like this, if you are that upset at the world and want to end it all, dont take everyone with you because someone peed in your Cheerios, life isnt that bad, especially in America. There are plenty of places you should visit if you think this place sucks. There are plenty of people trying to get in this country and are willing to work hard and make something of themselves because there is no other great place to be with opportunities than America, hell even if they are spying on us, whats the big deal? If Ed Snowden didnt open his mouth, people wouldve been going on with their normal boring lives anyway. Other countries do it all the time so what makes you think that ours wouldnt do it? The difference between them and us is we do everything better.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:48:10 +0000

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