I think the largest key missing element in many peoples lives is - TopicsExpress


I think the largest key missing element in many peoples lives is that they do not take the time to condition in a powerful state of mind each day. Time and time again, I see that the key determining factor with the top leaders and achievers of today is a morning ritual that gets their body, mind and spirit aligned, passionate and focused. Unfortunately, many people are not taking the time to engage their bodies in the morning and they are not paying attention as to how they can condition themselves for peak performance. Then they wonder why they dont have the energy or passion they need or why they often end up unhappy. The body was meant to be used and engaged. Movement of our body promotes healing, better oxygen flow and it is not something we should be shying away from. The more we move, the more energy we create for ourselves. Most people live the other way around! They try not to move, they keep thinking that there is only a limited supply of energy. This is a disempowering belief that makes people lazy, unhappy and unhealthy. We all get into slumps but most people live their whole lives in a slump simply because they do not pay attention to the simple little habits like engaging the body in the morning. The way to tap into better performance is have some kind of morning ritual. It has to be something that engages you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. YES, it has to be in the morning and it doesnt have to be a lot. This ritual must get your body moving and it also must include passionate visualization of how you want to create your world. Think of this as a NO FAIL investment. Instead of pushing snooze until the last minute, get up an hour earlier to do some kind of jogging or fast walking with powerful music playing in your headphones. DO IT!! COME-ON!!! THIS will change your whole life! I personally guarantee it.......... I have enclosed a video. It is a video of Tony Robbins being interviewed by Maria Forleo. The reason why I enclosed this video is because it clearly outlines the reasons why Tony Robbins has continued to get better and better through the decades. REMEMBER he was just a normal, everyday person like you or me. I met this man 3 times and I can personally tell you, he is a true philanthropist. Think about it, if he was a fraud or a scam of some type, shape or form, he would not be thriving the way he still is today, 3 decades later. His happiness, passion, wealth and abundance DID NOT happen by chance! He grew up with many limiting beliefs. He suffered from depression, relationship issues, the vilification from his family members and friends as he began to change his life, but NOTHING stopped him, NOTHING. He figured out the key elements that are not taught in the school systems pertaining to being a HIGHLY successful and happy person on a constant basis. Take a look at this video and see what he does for his morning ritual! It is absolutely no mistake that his morning ritual sets a cause in effect within his life that brings him to higher ground every single day.. Some people say, easy for him, he is rich,.... NO! ~That way of thinking is BS....! It simply does not work that way! Believe me, when you start to attain true success, that is just the beginning. From there, you have to work harder and you have to be more diligent than you ever have in order to keep it! There is no means to an end. ~Everything in life is an ongoing process. ~BL Also, SUCCESS DOES NOT HAPPEN BY CHANCE! Even after Tony started to do well he had to work even harder to keep it going. Most of his success and onward/ upward living is attributed to his morning ritual. I just wish more people would look at stuff like this and say to themselves, OK, if I do what he does, I will eventual get what he has. All the answers to life are mapped out right in front of us [especially within this new modern information/ technological era]. You just have to open your eyes, then employ it. : ~] ~B Video Enclosed. youtu.be/Gj8rUr86ySo
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:23:25 +0000

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