I think the most significant marker of a fake person has to be - TopicsExpress


I think the most significant marker of a fake person has to be their uncanny ability to make you feel like an utter loser in their presence. Whether its the constant guarding of their actual feelings, the tendency to make snide comments about everyone around them, or the general “omgurtotallymybestfriend” smile they give to each new person they encounter, it’s a recipe for self-esteem disaster. There’s nothing worse than hanging out with someone with whom you’re never sure of where you stand, and frankly aren’t even sure they consider you a friend in return. That’s the thing about fake people — you can never tell how much of their relationships are based on actual mutual interest and respect, versus how much is just for appearances or social climbing. Maybe they’re your friend, or maybe you’re just for networking purposes. When you go home at the end of the day, you should feel like the interactions you had with people were genuine, and that the emotional investments you make with friends — or even friendly acquaintances — is something worth making. Because if we let ourselves get caught up in the game of “let’s all be nice and smile and compliment and then be terrible behind each other’s backs,” pretty soon, we’re going to be fake people ourselves. Come on people, how old are we? Please just dont be my social network friend just because you just want to be nosy! That is all....carry on!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 23:05:51 +0000

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