I think the people that end up being the most valuable in your - TopicsExpress


I think the people that end up being the most valuable in your life are the ones that challenge, push, and make you think outside the box. We all have troubles, worries, hardships but are enriched with blessings along the way that make it all worth while. To do as you always have, may have worked at a point. But to be challenged or pushed to be greater is a gift. It means your growing, evolving into a better version of the person you are meant to be. I may not understand the process when Im going through it but I always catch the message when I come out in the end. The people who see the best in me hold on for the ride, knowing I will only be a better individual once Ive reached that next level in my life. This time away from my children ,who are my rock and saving grace, has given me the time to really reevaluate myself. I will constantly strive to be a better person and to show my children that youre never too old to change. I strive to be slower to speak and more focused on listening. To be less vain and let the beauty from my soul outshine my outward appearance. To stop being everyones something and really focus on being the best to my best. To above all else be the best mother and provider to my 2 blessings. I cant let myself down because Im all Ive got so send some positive energy my way and watch me grow!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:00:41 +0000

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