I think the saddest thing in the whole world is the fact that - TopicsExpress


I think the saddest thing in the whole world is the fact that people go their entire lives hiding who they truly are so that they can fit into a society that will NEVER remember them for blending in. The ONLY people who ever stand out are the ones that think and do differently than everyone else. No its not the norm and some may think youve gone bat shit crazy, but believe me when I say this... NORMAL is over-freaking-rated and CRAZY in itself. I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for something Im not any day of the week. It hurts me to think so many people strain themselves to fit into the status quo. For goodness sake be yourself and if youre lucky enough to be the most outlandish unique over the top out of the norm different individual anyone could EVER come in contact with, BE THAT PERSON & EMBRACE THE SHIT out of it. #doyourowndamnthing #forgetsociety #excusethelanguagebutimalilheated #hashtagsforcaseyrogers #sorrynotsorry #imdone
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:32:35 +0000

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