I think there seems to be a misunderstanding or something. I am - TopicsExpress


I think there seems to be a misunderstanding or something. I am not going to debate with people about attacking our side. If you want to attack our side, which is the only side defending against the onslaught of violations from the democrats then simply defriend me. I do not want to hear your side, or your points, Ive heard it all....heard all the fools yell RINO as if they know what it means, heard all the retards scream They voted for cloture as if they know what that is or means also. and all the other BS reasons you have sabotaging our own efforts and allowing democrats to win, because all you people want to talk about is against the GOP because you are either being led by a democrat sponsored group, or are just to stupid to know even if we are not perfect, no one is, but we are on the right side. So we are not friends, we are not patriots together. just go, or stay and keep your mouth shut up real good if you want, but if I find out you are one of the saboteurs, then I am just going to dump you anyways. And if I find out I am donating to something you are sponsoring I am pulling my funding also, you can count on it. Hope this clears things up.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 08:41:59 +0000

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