I think this WrestleMania card could actually take place if done - TopicsExpress


I think this WrestleMania card could actually take place if done right... But I highly doubt they would be this creative... But hey, I think its worth a lot of buys in my opinion. Match 1: US Title Match between Seagger and Rusev... You know the story by this point. Swagger goes over finally beating the Russians undefeated streak. Match 2: Chris Jericho and Bad News Barrett get into a bit of a rivalry that gets out of hand when Barrett actually breaks into Jerichos podcast room and proceed to mess with his equipment. Jericho would then burst in punching away only for all of his equipment, in kayfabe, being destroyed... Jericho would retaliate by destroying Bad Newss podium... This then leads to a WrestleMania match. Barrett goes over clean. Match 3: Paige and AJ Lee continue their feud after the first ever Divas Championship Elimination Chamber match... Charlotte is the surprise entrant from NXT to take her share at the gold... Her and AJ are the final two divas in the Chamber after Paige lost the match and the championship... This the leads to a Triple Threat match for the gold to be on the line. AJ retains her title. Match 4: Dolph ends up beating everybody there is to beat... By this point hes wrecked shop, beating former IC champions in singles matches such as Christian, The Miz, Goldust, Stardust, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho. He shows off and starts to believe that there is no one athletically that can match up to his style... Low and behold, out comes Shelton Benjamin to issue the challenge at WrestleMania against Dolph in a ladder match... This creates a match for the ages... Dolph goes over and both men shake hands only for Shelton to turn heel and Pay Dirt Ziggler into the canvas. This sets up a blood feud between the two. Match 5: Since Bray Wyatt released Rowan and Harper to go their own ways, they have been on opposite sides of the fences, Luke on the bad side of things while Rowan is on the good. It eventually causes Chaos and a Peer 7 brawl breaks out all over Monday Night RAW. This sets up a falls count anywhere match to settle their score... Rowan wins by breaking the windpipe of Rowan, in kayfabe, with a Chair wrapped in between his throat... Similar to what Macho Man did to Ricky Steamboat with a ring bell. Match 6: WrestleMania is setting up to be so huge that Rob Van Dam wants in on the action... So he calls out long time rival and friend, Jerry Lynn who is in the building... Jerry and Rob want to have one more match to finally settle the score on whos better on the grandest stage of them all... This is made an Extreme Rules match since thats what they do best... To everyones surprise, Jerry Lynn gets the win over Rob Van Dam... The two walk out of the arena, arm and arm, creating a legendary moment that only happens once in a lifetime. Match 7: TLC was known for three great teams... The Hardys, the Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian. Now the three teams feuding are Cesaro and Kidd, the Usos, and the current Tag Team Champions at this time, the Ascension... The Usos loose the tag team championships to the Ascension in their first match up with them at Elimination Chamber... The Usos then become unsuccessful at winning the titles back on RAW the next night... On Main Event, Cesaro and Kidd fight the Usos for a Number 1 Contendership for the Tag Team Titles but are abruptly attacked by the Ascension... This then sets up this match between these 3 teams... Another shock, Cesaro and Kidd, the underdogs, pull off the win and become the Tag Team Champions, similar to Edge and Christian in how they were the underdog team in TLC 1 at SummerSlam 2000. Match 8: If you couldnt tell, Ambrose and Cena have unfinished business... This time, its Dean Ambrose getting a bit too close to Nikki Bella, which strikes Cena in the wrong nerve... The two fight because of this and Dean only fuels the fire more before their match... On RAW, Ambrose actually kisses Nikki, which gets a loud pop and a frustrated and angry Cena runs after him... Nikki is beside herself and doesnt know what to do... Dean Ambrose wins the match by using Dirty Deeds from the top rope. Match 9: You know why Ortob and Rollins are fighting... Rollins wins with a curve stomp, but not without help from J&J security. Match 10: Sting made his WWE debut at Survivor Series last year... In doing so, he cost Triple H and Stephanie McMahon the power to run WWE... Hulk Hogan comes out and welcome Sting as an official member of the WWE roster... Triple H comes from the crowd and ambushes him from behind with his Sludgehammer to the back of the head. He then, in Chicago, pulls the Pepsi Plung, the top rope Pedigree, which gathers major heat for Triple H... The next week on the go home show for Elimination Chamber on SmackDown, he reveals that he was the secret RAW GM this entire time... An enraged Sting goes after Triple H with his trusty weapon of choice, the Baseball Bat. Triple H doesnt get far as he is blocked by John Cena who bring him back into the ring. Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on the bat setting the feud up... Sting says he came into to WWE to snap Triple H out of his power hungry ways, similar to why he returned to WCW to fight Hogan when he was apart of the NWO... Triple H then challenges him to an iconic match... Sting gets the victory over Triple H, winning his first match in WWE history. Match 11: Its pretty obvious why I am having these two fight instead of Sting and Taker... Save it for next year, for right now, Bray Wyatt wants to be the new deadman. He ends up beating Undertaker at WrestleMania making Taker 21-2. Main Event: Do I even need to explain on why were having this match?? Roman Reigns wins against the Beast, Brock Lesnar after a grueling match with him... Brocks ribs get injured, in kayfabe, after the brutal encounter and Paul Heyman is beside himself... Roman wins the title but cant even stand on his own two feet... Paul Heyman then makes a shocking announcement that he has signed a new Heyman guy... Out comes Seth Rollins with referee Scott Armstrong and J&J security to beat on him before Rollins curbstomps him. He cashes in the contract to fight a weakened Reigns for the belt... Cash-In match: Scott Armstrong rings the bell and Seth pins Roman, but only gets a two count... It makes Roman look strong... Rollins does another Curb Stomp only for Roman to somehow kick out of it again... Then Rollins goes to the top rope and hits the biggest Curb Stomp of his life to finally get the three... Rollins celebrates with J&J, Armstrong and Triple H who comes out... Rollins with the WWE Championship high above his head. Roman is right in-suit with Lesnar and has to go to a hospital to treat, in Kayfabe, a broken neck. What do you all think??
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:27:53 +0000

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