I think this could just be the longest and most comprehensive - TopicsExpress


I think this could just be the longest and most comprehensive testimonial Ive ever had. Check this out. “After knowing of Paula’s credentials for quite a while, we finally started coaching sessions in Spring 2013. I wish I’d ignored all the reasons I’d thought of not to start coaching earlier. It wasn’t that I was ever reluctant to be coached, but I did always think of reasons to delay. Knowing what I know now, I wish I’d started much sooner. If you’re in the same situation, just speak to Paula and get started. At the start of the journey I was curious to know what affect the coaching would really have, on me as a person, on me as a business owner, and on my business. I’m an accountant. I like to record, and measure my journeys. Was I going to come out of the end of the process a changed person, would I be able to measure any improvement, would my business be any different – frankly, would there be a tangible difference to anything as a result of working with Paula? The resounding answer to all of the above, and more besides is, quite simply, Yes! Paula has put me back in touch with the 21 year old me. I’d loved that person, so full of confidence, who upped sticks and travelled the world, not because it was a dodge from joining the corporate world, but because I knew it would be an experience to enrich my life. But years of working for others, even in good companies, can make a dent on your confidence. You can find yourself always looking to others for reassurance that you’re doing the right thing. You can find yourself being told by too many others what it is they want you to do. I’m now making business decisions with the confidence, and conviction, of knowing what I’m doing is right. Right for my business, right for my clients, right for my staff, right for me, right for my family. Sales are increasing, visibility is increasing, opportunities are increasing. And whilst Paula is the first to acknowledge I’d already put things in motion to make 2013, and now 2014 my most successful in business, Paula has absolutely helped me put some structure into those initiatives. I don’t know what you think you might need Paula for. I don’t need to know. All I do know is contact her now. You will not be disappointed.”
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:16:09 +0000

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