I think this is necessary :/ lets TALK about these offenses rather - TopicsExpress


I think this is necessary :/ lets TALK about these offenses rather than violent action being taken with vague justifications. Please, I know America and western cultures as a whole are not saints, but I legit heard someone say within the week that extremism is something that we are just going to have to learn to live with. I whole heartedly disagree with that statement. Extremist action is something that we all need to stand up against. Freedom of speech is something worth dying for. One of the editors of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper stated around a year ago that he would rather die than lie like a rat. This was a response to freedom of expression of his own newspaper. This editor is now dead. He was one of the twelve killed in the shooting recently. This is just one case, I know, quite minor when you bring in everything else relating to many other countries. But what does exist is a blatant defiance of freedom of speech and also a level of self-censorship. I can totally understand the level of self-censorship. Self-preservation is within any species on earth, its a survival reflex. But if things are to change, we need to stand up against violent oppression and push for a more constructive action taken with the motivation of our emotion. We need for these people, willing to take violent action, to never receive the credibility that they now have. We need for these people to be further educated or medically treated for whatever mental illness they may have. The drawings of a pencil or words written by a typewriter do not justify the bullets from a gun. For if freedom of speech dies, we all die. Whether its under the secluded night sky or a crowded theater. It dies when we say Thats too offensive
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:24:11 +0000

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