I think we all can agree, humans are destroying Mother Earth at a - TopicsExpress


I think we all can agree, humans are destroying Mother Earth at a scary pace! But what is more scary is that Mother Earth has hardly started to fight back yet!! And once she is pissed off, well, the show is over, tickets or not! She can bite back much harder than any human, or for that matter any few billion humans together, and once she has decided to get rid of us, the parasites, it will be very quick...and the scariest is that people are still slumbering and thinking all this will take 50 or more years!! Hahahahahahahahaah!!!!! It is ALREADY happening as we speak or sleep...it is like building a house of cards, one painful card by painful card, except that in this case the house of cards is actually being dismantled, one painful card by card...while the masses of idiots are still dreaming of that shiny new car or that big mansion, or that job with suit and tie, haha, all that is going to matter shortly is only one thing SURVIVAL...yes, even the most brilliant mind in the world can see that clearly...as he should, how can anyone not see the clearcut signs?? The end is neigh, not not for us all, but the vast majority...read on, hail Hawking... Doomsday preppers believe salvation will be afforded by means of a well-equipped bunker; the rapture-ready set believes in a trip to heaven. Stephen Hawking, on the other hand, recommends the colonization of outer space as our best tool against annihilation. If there’s one person on this planet known for his striking ability to think outside of the box, it’s Hawking — commonly considered the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein. And he thinks we need to get our derrières into space, and quick. We are entering an increasingly dangerous period of our history, said Hawking, who has struggled gallantly against Lou Gehrigs disease for much of his life. Discussing the Earths most troubling concerns in an email interview with The Canadian Press, Hawking described space exploration as humankinds most urgent mission. Predicting a planet soon made uninhabitable, he says that our only chance of long-term survival as a species is to “spread out into space.” Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. But our genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past. It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million,” he wrote. He also thinks that space exploration should involve people, rather than just robots. Robots may be good at gathering data, he has said before, but they shouldnt entirely replace people in space. Seeing astronauts floating around in all that vast blackness is inspiring, and people need inspiration, he told Parade Magazine. Science is not only a disciple of reason, but, also, one of romance and passion, he added. Read more: mnn/earth-matters/space/stories/stephen-hawking-predicts-the-imminent-end-of-humanity-on-earth#ixzz3ESlVRFUN
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 10:39:49 +0000

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