I think we are all goosed!!..The more I speak to friends the world - TopicsExpress


I think we are all goosed!!..The more I speak to friends the world over..America..Palastine..India..Canada..here..the more it hits..We are fuc---......Its all a massive con..We are most definatly being governed by a global elite..They plan everything..world leaders..which countries to invade..which leaders to replace and who will replace them..All conspiricy theories for the most part have a basis in fact..Lincoln..Kennedy..Monroe..Jackson..Lennon..and thousands more..Who are these people?..The elite?..Very powerful individuals..very!!..They can topple countries..Tell us their version of world events..they for the most part own the media..newspapers..tv stations..We are fed the crap they want us to believe..They are cracking down hard on the Internet..We are seeing and hearing to much of the truth on our computers..They are going berserk trying to shut us all down..It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what has been covered up by our establishment just in the immediate past..Paedophilia activity to the highest echelons of establishment..MPs..police..the judiciary..care homes..Everything we regard as the establishment has been tainted..And we keep on watching our soaps..Bombs fall..kids blown to bits..countries razed to the ground..We stare at the sanitised box in the livingroom..We believe the crap..We want to believe the shit..Its comfortable..its safe..It makes no demands..We are dumbed down..our intelligence is reduced to not far off from a cabbage..We eat..we procreate..we fart..we scratch..we tut tut at the most...We drink our beer in the pub..we drink our wine in cosy houses..we are happy..happy in ignorance...All the time the world birls around.. we do nothing..Kids killed on beaches..mothers killed holding their children..All scooped up with shovels and bare hands..All for what?..To many tangents..to many directions..we cant figure it all out?..We are not allowed to..If you manage to figure it all out the chances of you becoming a statistic are very real..No wonder some dont follow the tangents..the directions and prefer to carry on living in a false world..a dumbed down world..Its safe on your settee with a beer in your hand..watching the false world affairs provided by the faceless leaders of society..the global elite..Now put this all down to a tangent from me if you want but believe me you are not as free as you think..Believe me..toodiloo chums..take care..Remember we are all Jock Thompsons bairns..if we are allowed?..
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:56:53 +0000

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