I think we know Obamacare was meant to fail so we would ultimately - TopicsExpress


I think we know Obamacare was meant to fail so we would ultimately be forced into a single payer system. But, I dont think it was supposed to collapse right out of the starting gate. My suspicion is that it is supposed to break down incrementally by becoming so burdensome that it eventually drove private insurance companies out of the system. Then, Obama or his successor could blame greedy insurance companies for the problems and offer up government as the cure. Otherwise, he risks having his signature piece of legislation look like the total flop that it is. Instead, the web site doesnt work. Consumers are reeling from sticker shock. And insurers cant even get accurate information on the back end because the web site is so bad. Nobody is going to want to talk to the navigators as more truth about them and their lack of background checks comes out. The number of enrollees can be counted by a show of hands and even that number isnt meaningful. The number that matters is the number of people who have enrolled and paid. How many of those are there, if any? If the program is to survive, 7 million people have to enroll. Right now, the only people motivated to enroll are the highest risk, eg the most expensive to insure. Younger, healthier Americans are far less motivated to spend hours trying to get through the web site. So the program is upside down already. The calculations as to how many enrollees are needed per day to hit the 7 million mark on time have been done and actual enrollments are nowhere even close to those kinds of numbers. Thus, the program is collapsing a lot earlier than it was supposed to and there is no single payer fix ready to go. Obamas own hubris will make it worse, since hell never admit he made any mistakes. We need to dig deep and find out why CGI got a no bid contract for the web site. Meanwhile, this monstrosity may be collapsing quickly enough to do serious damage to the Democrats in 2014.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 09:45:16 +0000

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