I think we should have stoned Shannon Augure, or tied him to the - TopicsExpress


I think we should have stoned Shannon Augure, or tied him to the stake and set him on fire, or slandered his name all over the pages of facebook....(oh wait that already happened and continues to happen) ..because it effected how many people? ONE (1) Councilman Augure himself vs. Let me see where to start? 800 employees and their families....providing each employee had 1 child....that 1600 people....if that employee is married....2400 people, oh wait now, if there are 2 kids....that 3200 people....and thats just for starters! There is no comparison...but lets continue to bash Councilman Augure and bring up a DUI, that wasnt even proven but pled out. I DO NOT condone drinking and driving so dont try to twist it up. Although it COULD have affected more, it DID NOT. A victimless crime....Nothing compared to the damage our Tribe suffers at the hand of these greedy men, drunk on power. Disrespectful beyond words toward our Chief Earl Old Person, not to mention the shame of ourTribe that the Willy Sharp regime has brought on. We will never be able to forget the distruction left in the wake of WIlly Sharp, because it will take years to rebuild a once honorable and strong Tribe, rebuild business relationships broken by false promises and thievery. Rebuild our programs, Law Enforcement Division and Judicial system. The trust is gone, like our torn up Blackfeet Constitution blown away in the wind. But lest we forget.....Councilman Augure got a DUI. I wonder how many people throw that stone and live in a glass house? Pathetic comparison to a group that has come very close to annihilating our Tribe.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 03:08:12 +0000

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