I thought I should explain to those of you who missed the pledge - TopicsExpress


I thought I should explain to those of you who missed the pledge yesterday while I was at FTX and couldnt post it-a friend had computer problems and apologized for missing my daily post that she enjoys and this was my reply: You didnt miss anything, one day a month I am unable to post the pledge while attending FTX- I post it the morning I leave, then the next day Im out of contact, and then when I get home, usually Sunday afternoon or evening, Ill post it even tho its later in the day than usual. This weekend was a short one but I wouldnt miss even a short FTX, and theres the added benefit of standing with a group of my patriot brothers and sisters while saluting the flag and saying the pledge of allegiance. I know theres many of you out there saying it with me every day, but theres just something about watching our nations flag rising proudly up the pole, fluttering in the breeze and reminding us who we are and what we stand for, that takes me out of my everyday troubles and worries to assure me that yes, there are things definitely worth fighting for, and that every one of us DOES make a difference. And whether its rising in the mornings first rays of sunlight, or being lowered and carefully folded with proper ceremony and respect as it deserves, I still find myself amazed by the intensity of emotion it brings and Im not ashamed of the tears that form in my eyes, either. Im glad that at my age and with all the years of turmoil and troubles I still feel as I did when I was a young girl and learning what being an American really meant, the pride and responsibility that go hand in hand with the joys and heartaches, and why our nations symbol is never treated as just a piece of cloth. Here I go again-I could write books on why its so important, particularly since we no longer have a genuine president to lead our country-a president never rules America, hes supposed to be an example, a symbol of patriotism at its finest, his most important task to protect and strengthen AMERICA and her citizens, to never put personal feelings or goals ahead of the welfare of the country and her people. Thats why its always been considered the hardest job on earth, because for four years, eight if the people feel you have done a decent job as a LEADER, you are not an individual with the rights and privileges of a normal citizen. Its a duty done out of love for your country and its people, and if done properly is far too exhausting and lacking in any semblance of privacy or personal gain to extend any further than eight years-the satisfaction of having truly and honestly done a difficult job to the best of human ability is enough for a true patriot. And the honest man (or woman) knows that going in, and screams or cries his frustration into a pillow on those nights he is fortunate enough to find sleep, but does not try to circumvent and alter the form of government that gave him the opportunity to prove his dedication and patriotism in the first place! Ok, Im done for the moment, thank you as always for listening. I often get questioned about why I post it every day, but Im happy to say that more people are enjoying it and fewer question it, which gives me great joy-I really do feel it is an important, necessary part of our lives.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:11:00 +0000

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