I thought I should re-visit the event of last Saturday in Abuja. - TopicsExpress


I thought I should re-visit the event of last Saturday in Abuja. Hopefully we all know that was a dry run to more vicious and stunning operation by the so called Boko haram. I had projected the same thing to a friend last year and he did not believe me. We have both agreed in the last few days that I was right. Before I go further, I want to express my disgust at that silly, bare faced kindergarten story spinned by Marylyn Ogar of the SSS. Who did she think she was talking to. The gun supposedly holding 90 rounds of ammunition does not hold more than 60. So, where were the remaining 30 rounds held? Possibly within her gap teeth. I am just so sick of those who take Nigerians for granted. And then, only one gun with hypothetically 90 rounds of ammunition held Abuja hostage for 3 hours? that woman has no clue about managing public information. Anyhow, as I said, that was a dry run for a more audacious and stunning operation. The Mujahadeen is inching closer to Abuja than thought. Next time, it will be a night commando raid. When we all wake up in the morning, we will have our jaws hitting the ground in shock. Of course there is no BH in the real context of the word anymore . What we have, and are facing are the armies of ANSARDEEN aka ALQUEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB. The BH we knew during the times of late President Yardua probably died with the man. I do not mean he was their sponsor. I mean they ceased to exist post 2011 elections. What we have now are hardened and very experienced Mujahadeen with stints in terrorist activities from LEBANON to AFGHANISTAN, from the Sudan to ALGERIA, from CHEYCHNA to Russia and now to Nigeria. So, let me make another set of projections: 1. BH will strike Abuja again. Hopefully, the SSS will read this and be sober rather than trying to find out who I am. I am not the important person nor factor here. I am actually doing them a favour. 2. There will be more daring raid in the country by BH. You may say that is a no brainer, except that the mode of operation will change and they will stun even the most hard hearted. 3. North Central states will see more activities of the Ansardeen. Some governor in the North Central better be careful. He may just be a target. He will be kidnapped and slain. That will generate a domino crisis which will make the pre civil war days look like a prayer meeting. 4. Another governor,and am yet to complete the mapping in the far North will be kidnapped in a daring operation by BH. He will be abducted by these boys in a daring operation in broad day light without a shot being fired by his security people. Rather they will run for their lives. 5. A governor in the South West may also be kidnapped. He will be killed if that happens. 6. .Boko Haram will make forays into the South West in daring operations. The Yorubas will decide what they want to do. 7. President Jonathan may relocate to Lagos at about the end or 3rd quarter of this year since Abuja will no longer be safe for him. Ribadu road is beckoning to him. Hopefully, the Yoruba political elites will not make the mistake of trying to harass him. It will provoke an unprecedented reaction from the creek and Igbo boys. Lagos will be occupied for a while to prove a point. Lagos, as far as am concerned belong to Yorubas. Period. 8. By the next election, Abuja will be a semi- Middle East city in terms of morality. Please hide your indecent clothing if you live in that city. The entire North will feel the heat of the activities of ANSARDEEN. 9. The South West will be a tougher nut to crack than expected by the APC. It is not going to be a walk in the park, especially with what might happen in Osun and Ekiti state. 10. There will be no end to the excesses of BH. Rather , it will lead to decentralization of the Nation and devolution of powers to the states and or regions. Biafra, over to you. 11. The entire core North will be over run by ANSARDEEN .Its a matter of time. RANTI: THE BLACK HANDS OF SUDAN IN BH. Ranti, excuse me please. Grateful present this copy to the man. I just did my spell check and observed some typos. I do not want to be seen as an illiterate. You know what I mean? Thanks. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Un-chad.png/550px-Un-chad.png Ranti we spoke. Let me first thank you for your kindness and moral support. I cannot thank you enough. Hows mami, Iye ranti doing? My love and respect to her. Ok as we said this morning., I thought I should help these people to see how the AlQueda has gotten involved in the brutal BH war against Nigeria. Look, let me tell you this, it is not the BH we knew during the era of late President Yardua that is fighting us anymore. It is Alqueda in the Islamic Maghreb. I will speak further on that at some point in this essay. Let me explain this further. America knows what is happening. It is just that the Achilles heel of Obama is foreign policy. Besides being a closet Islamist, Obama is an extremely and gravely naive man as per foreign affairs. He and his team have no clue about Africa. The debacle in Libya is enough pointer. OK, let us go back to BH. The main artery of the oxygen fuelling this war is from the SUDAN. Look, you just need to look at some of the Islamists in Nigeria to see who and where this mess is coming from. Sudan and I mean Northern Sudan, a country of extreme Islamists who believe in the Wahabi interpretation of Islam. The one time home of Osama Bin Laden. When that fellow was leaving the Sudan at the instance of America, he chose to become a franchise. One of it is ALQUEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB. THE SAME THAT INDOCTRINATED YOUR FORMER CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR. A MAJOR DONOR AND SPONSOR OF BH. Ranto, am surprised his ass has not been fried. All these people have what you call the RED SIM CARD to make their nefarious calls and then some. Look, all the security forces need to do is to trace all his calls. All trips outside of Nigeria by some certain people is to link up and work on how to intensify the BH attacks in Nigeria. The border towns between Chad and Nigeria are the staging zone and supply routes for the BH. Otherwise, where and how is the heavy war materiel getting into Nigeria? The Northern most of the Sahara zone has sparse human population with largely nomadic population. These are areas secure enough to run their business and transport arms to the BH. These are the staging posts for the supply of armaments to the BH boys in Nigeria. If you doubt me, let your people go on surveillance to those areas where human population is sparse along the borders. They will surely with time see planes landing and delivering supplies to the BH people. Let me go back to Usama. He preached Wahabism, he hated Christians, he coveted Nigeria for Islamic expansionism. He was a friend of Sanusi. Sanusi did not go to the Sudan to learn Islamic jurisprudence. He was in the Sudan at the same time with Usama. They were neighbours; they wrere friends and they were both Islamists, actually Wahabists. Sanusi is a fraud who pretends to be an urbane Westernized man. He is a rabid Islamists who has no qualms about supporting the repression of Christians. His sojourn in the Sudan gave him the impetus to support the men who decapitated Gideon Akaluka with money and materiel!! He went to Sudan to study HOW TO BECOME A FUNDAMENTALIST. In 1982, there was a certain Brigadier Buhari. That was the period of the Chadian civil war. This Brigadier was the G.O.C up to North Eastern Nigeria. When the civil was in Tchad spilled over into Nigeria, we could not contain them. Rather we put men to fly war aircrafts based on quota system. The result was that men were crashing our Mig 21 like kites. This same Brigadier was so embarrassed that he chose to disobey President Shagari when he was asked to stop all hostilities. The Cameroon sent us a diplomatic note not to spill over into their territories in the marshland of Lake Tchad. If I recall correctly what the diplomatic note said, it encouraged us to stay away from their territory if we are not ABLE TO FIGHT THE RAG TAG ARMY OF TCHAD! So we are facing the armies of Alqueda franchised to Ansardeen. They have an army of supporters and sympathizers in Nigeria. Professionals, academics, illiterates, semi-illiterates. These people are everywhere. I am actually following one of them currently. I am waiting for him to show his hands. Hes playing coy though. So, let us trace these problems from Saudi Arabia to Sudan to Niger and Tchad and then to Nigeria. The foot soldiers are those guys in the North who are mainly indoctrinated artisans. They are coming to get all of us if we are not careful. They are the bogey men of the 21st century. I wonder why we are all pretending as if we dont know who and what the BH is all about. I am usually amused when we all act surprised at the precise operations of the BH. Ranti, hell is coming. If you notice what I wrote in my previous projection. They are now encircling the entire North. They are now in Zamfara, they have franchised their operations to the Middle Belt aka North Central to another arm of Alqueda and we are going to get it sooner than later. Hopefully, SOMEONE WILL HAVE THE PRESENCE OF MIND TO SECURE LOKOJA. You all may need to make quick exits on a serious note; LOKOJA is a major town that must be secured. Otherwise, the next Abuja incursion will send people fleeing for their lives and Lokoja will be a do or die point. Note LOKOJA please. What else can I tell you ranti? You need to ask me questions in other for me to give you projections and answers. You guys better get your acts together. I just wonder what the hell you guys think you are doing. Oh by the way, some of the people who are into security issues with the numero uno are out rightly deceiving him or feeding his half truths. Sad. You guys are so messed up. Shake up the team; get your men and women ready. I mean those who know international affairs. Not those assholes I see on line who cannot conjugate verbs correctly. Not those who are fixated with this Masada complex. It will not get them anywhere and to be frank the rest of the world is tired of hearing that. I say they should be more serious. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Un-chad.png/550px-Un-chad.png upload.wikimedia.org THIS IS INFORMATIVE Yep. Read it and see if you can pick out the last attack in Abuja. I wrote this immediately after the attempted jail break in Abuja. Chat Conversation End
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 16:01:49 +0000

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