I thought I would share my story and maybe help some people get to - TopicsExpress


I thought I would share my story and maybe help some people get to the bottom of why they could be having miscarriages. I had my first miscarriage 10 years ago when I was 16 at 8 weeks, it broke my heart and I was diagnosed with Pcos so I just thought once I decided I wanted to have kids I would get medical help.. 4 years later I fell pregnant it was a huge shock but I was so excited to be a mam, I had lots of pain all the time but kept being told it was normal I knew deep down that it wasnt but no one listened. At 20 weeks and 4 days I went for my second scan to find out what our baby was going to be, to be told there was no heart beat, my life crumbled around me I just couldnt get my head around it. I decided I wanted to try again straight away and found out I wasnt ovulating so I was sent to the fertility hospital for tests and treatment. I fell pregnant for the 3rd time using clomid but miscarried at 5 weeks I Decided to come off all the treatment and have a break for me and my partner it was all getting too much and every month that I wasnt pregnant it was making me more and more depressed. So we decided to get married and have some fun instead of constantly trying for children, I fell pregnant on our honeymoon and we couldnt believe it we thought this is fate this is our time, then our nightmare struck again I went for an early scan and there was no heart beat I was 8 weeks pregnant. So this time I could have an investigation into why this keeps happening.. and we found out I have something called APS Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome and what it does is makes my blood clot when im pregnant, so the blood supply isnt getting to the baby as well as it should be and it can cause blood clots in the placenta. It is a huge cause of miscarriages but women wont know they have it unless they have lost more than 3 babies and have an investigation done. I am now pregnant for the 5th time, im only early and I have been given asprin to take every day to thin my blood and once I have a scan and see a heart beat I will be given heprin injections every day to help keep my blood thin and hopefully keep the baby alive. I hope by telling my story I can help other women and hopefully stop alot of miscarriages, if I had known about this earlier I would have asked to be tested. X
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 12:17:32 +0000

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