I thought Id give you all an excerpt from Once Tasted. Just a - TopicsExpress


I thought Id give you all an excerpt from Once Tasted. Just a taste... A second voice reached her. Recognizing the low, relaxed drawl, she stiffened. And here she’d hoped nothing would spoil her day. Steeling herself, she opened the front door. Unlike the rest of the female population, she didn’t intend to go marshmallow soft over the sight of Reid Knowles. As she stepped onto the wide porch, Reid, handsomer than Adonis and twice as annoying, rose from his chair. She refused to be impressed, knowing he performed the courtesy instinctively. His parents had taught him his manners. He crossed the porch to lean against the railing. “Mia,” he said with a short nod. “Reid.” She spoke his name through clenched molars. No wonder the women at Spillin’ the Beans and the luncheonette had been a-flutter that their number-one “crushtomer” was back in town. He was tanned, and his gold-blond hair was a little shaggier than usual. His chambray shirt made his blue eyes even more piercing. He must have left his razor behind in South Carolina. Thank God she didn’t like facial hair. She reminded herself of that fact even as her fingers itched to touch the light-brown stubble covering his lean cheeks in a slow, exploratory drag. Would it feel silky-soft or scratchy? Stop, her brain commanded. There would be no gawking or fantasizing about what a few days’ old beard would feel like against her fingers, her lips, or any other part of her body. She told herself to look away. Unfortunately, her eyes were as wayward as her itchy fingers, for her gaze landed just below the straight blade of his nose. If she’d had to describe his lips, she’d have said they were nor- mal, of average width and shape. Nothing special. Until he smiled. Then Reid’s mouth became a thing of beauty. Outrageously seductive and so very kissable. His smile was like the rest of him: perfect. A woman would do a lot for a smile from Reid Knowles.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 01:12:30 +0000

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