I thought Id re-post an article here, just to hear what others - TopicsExpress


I thought Id re-post an article here, just to hear what others have to say. No offense is intended to anyone who holds a different view of the matter - I only want to make my own opinion public. As for me? I dont buy it one bit. Doesnt anyone think its a bit suspicious when someone says something is far too dangerous to be messed with, while they themselves are chin-deep in it, and making a name for themselves in the process? Or when they pitch a seminar or product at the end of the warning? I have to point out that I visited the website of New Life Ministries and was a little taken aback at how much stuff they have to sell. Im not saying that demonic activity doesnt exist - But I AM saying that some opportunistic individuals enjoy acting like rock-stars by claiming that they are the only ones qualified to investigate alleged paranormal events, and everyone else is in danger of possession. I remember when Ed and Lorraine Warren started publishing book after book, making a career (aka profit) out of the world of the paranormal, while telling EVERYONE to stay away from any involvement or risk opening the door to demonic forces. I never met the Warrens personally, so I cant claim any insider knowledge - but it sounds to me like the same snake-oil, smoke & mirrors nonsense that quack spiritualists have used since Victorian times to make themselves appear learned and powerful while keeping their marks scared. I also think certain people just like to claim activity is demonic because it ups the ante, makes the investigation sound more exciting, more extreme. It used to be that being a ghost investigator was unique, and it fed the ego of attention seekers perfectly well, but nowadays, with so many groups popping up all around us, its easy to just be another face in the crowd, UNLESS - OMG!! ...MY investigation has DEMONIC ENTITIES! Now, everyone pays attention again, because demons are so much more hardcore than boring old ghosts. Oh, and dont forget to warn everyone else away, to make sure YOUR extreme demon investigation stays the center of attention. ... And for the record, I think recording EVPs (which is nothing more than turning on a tape recorder) is about as likely to open the door to a haunting as eating a bag of potato chips.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:35:08 +0000

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