I thought Id share this ..... Today is my First Day anniversary - TopicsExpress


I thought Id share this ..... Today is my First Day anniversary - as in the first time I set eyes on my husband. The short form of the story is that, we had a nice dinner date, and I think I ruined the last part of it because I told him I didnt approve of him wearing a T-Shirt when meeting me for the first time. It was his favorite Diesel T-Shirt (I later found out), but I thought he should know how I felt. Maybe I was being too much of a Diva because it was about 98 degrees that evening but either way, I told him. I went home that night and thought to myself - Wow Abena, you just run off this amazing guy and hes never going to call you again. 10am Saturday morning there was a knock at my door and when I opened it, it was Semmi - again. He looked me straight in the eye and after what seemed like a few minutes he said, I want to get to know you more and marry you one day soon but if you dont want the same thing, then please, dont waste my time and I will not waste yours. I said to myself, Daaammmnnnnn.... He asked me whats on my agenda that day and I told him I was going grocery shopping and he says, good, Ill go with you. For the first time in my life I was at the grocery store with a tall, sharp, handsome man pulling a cart next to me and helping me pick items from the shelves. From that day , I knew my life has changed forever. I told him later in the day that I never thought he will call me again after my comments about the T-Shirt and he said I spent the whole night thinking how bold you were to say that to me and I admire the fact that you have an opinion and not afraid to express yourself. 3 months later he flew to Ghana to visit my family, 16 months after that, I had an elegant Neil Lane Diamond and 5 months later, an intimate Parisian wedding surrounded by family and close friends. The irony to my story is that, before I met my husband, I was told so many times that I am too smart, too intelligent, too opinionated, too independent and you name it. Every great quality about me was supposedly a negative to some men who I even thought were the strongest and smartest. My buddies will even convince me to dress down, look miserable just so I can meet someone. I told them one thing - I will not diminish my stars just to fit in because when that right man that God has prepared for me walks through my door, he will embrace my strengths and help me overcome my weaknesses I thank God every morning when I wake up and see my husbands face that God gave me the strength and wisdom to stay true to who I am. To all my single sisters out there looking for the love of their life, I pray that you never settle for less than what God has in store for you. Most often the wait is long and trying and you might have to kiss a few frogs but you will meet that prince if you never give up and lose yourself. If you have to diminish your stars just so a man can feel comfortable around you, then hes not worth it. Have a True-Love weekend!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:50:44 +0000

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