I thought Richard Blumenthal was a Senator now. Did I miss - TopicsExpress


I thought Richard Blumenthal was a Senator now. Did I miss something? It was bad enough when he was Attorney General and turned the office into some sort of consumer-advocacy group. Between press conferences spouting about his latest feel-good lawsuit and providing tug-at-the-heartstrings photo ops, I dont know how he had time to be AG at all. Apparently, he cant stay away. He, as a Senator, is continuing his tradition of suing companies for producing, marketing, distributing, and selling a 100% LEGAL product, and doing so in 100% compliance with the LAW. Apparently, facilitating and putting his stamp of approval on a complete BS, frivolous lawsuit and getting his ugly mug in front of the cameras is more important than doing his actual job. Some things never change. At least he didnt almost get hit by a train this time. Im sure that there is some sort of pending lawsuit over that, too. Everyone knows to stay back from the edge of the train platform. Theres signs everywhere, and also fancy yellow tape on the floor, and then there is that whole common sense says stay back from the train tracks thing, but Im assuming it is somehow Amtraks fault. Anyway... how can someone who is an elected official of the US government push a lawsuit that is against American companies that were operating within very restrictive laws, selling a product that was legal to produce and sell? There was no negligence, no defect in the product, no deception in the advertising or documentation. These companies did nothing wrong. The only thing they did wrong was not roll over and die under the suffocation of post-Sandy Hook persecution and regulation. Poor old Dick and his buddies exploited the Sandy Hook tragedy to push through a pile of gun control laws that they had been trying for years to pass but couldnt. They still arent happy. Their political capital is running out. So now they are exploiting the anniversary, and further using and exploiting those families to vilify the gun industry and guns in general even further. This BS lawsuit could have been filed at any time over the last 2 years. But it wasnt. It was filed on the first business day after the Sandy Hook anniversary, showered in fanfare and blessed by Senator Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, who found plenty of time in their busy schedules to take time away from destroying our country from Washington DC to come back home for a nice photo op.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:01:50 +0000

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