I thought it was going to be difficult for me to become a Member - TopicsExpress


I thought it was going to be difficult for me to become a Member of the EFF. To oppose the Party that fought for Liberation. To be the only Member of an opposition party in the Family that taught me everything I know today about Politics and ANC. I thought it was going to be difficult for me,To be the only member of an opposition while all the people I know, friends, extended family members etc are Members of the ANC. I THOUGHT it was going to be difficult for me to join EFF and become a card-carrying member of the EFF after the work and effort Ive put as a young person, to making sure that the ANC continues to rule despite the circumstances it is under and the challenges that the ANC faced and continue to face today. I somehow felt guilty of the decision I made. I thought about it many times as I was being mocked, intimidated, attacked and labelled with names by people whom I know. But then I realized that I wont be opposing the ANC that both my parents joined then. I decided that I will not be part of the Organization that promotes inequality indirectly. The history of South African political economy has created deep inequalities in terms of the distribution of wealth. Moreover, these inequalities were brought about by peoples participation in the economy. Whites had open access to economic opportunities whereas Black people were restricted. Our past is the very reason for the right to equality being the first right of Constitution. Our Constitution acknowledges that the discrimination of the past cannot be corrected unless a positive action is taken. The effects of discrimination will continue indefinitely unless there is a commitment to set it right. It is for this reason I joined EFF, to dismantle the remains of the Apartheid system that we still see today. In order for one to understand what Democracy that they say were celebrating means, he/she needs to know & understand the past. I told myself that Life must be lived forward, but should be understood backwards. I had preconceived ideas, but I later understood the ANCS propaganda that persuaded many people (including myself) to vote for them. Black youth living in South Africa today is in deep trouble. The youth unemployment is at the forefront of the public concern. The poverty of Black people means that many of our Brothers, fathers end up in prison because they are forced to steal to survive and keep their families alive. Governments in the Countrys life have come and gone, parties have been formed and fused in the Countrys political life, but the policy of White domination has remained constant. It is for this reason I joined EFF, that I cannot be part of oppressing other black people. The demon of racialism must be buried and forgotten. I agree that the Younger generations of Whites cannot be held morally or financially responsible for the racial sins of their ancestors. Even though as Whites, they still enjoy the inherited advantages and privileges of slavery. I am a very emotional & sensitive person, that is why I joined EFF, because I can no longer stand to see Black people being rejected in their own country. I cannot stand to see a Black person suffer. Many of us still live in squatter camps because more than 80% of South African Land is still owned by Whites. Many frills are included in this constitutional jigsaw puzzle, because our involved history and our still deeply divided society cannot be set right by a few sentences written into the constitution. It is for this reason I joined EFF because the constitution of South Africa must be amended. It my view that the EFF is doing the right thing in Parliament. The manner in which they are behaving is the correct and most acceptable one. We may differ in opinions but what they are doing is correct. I am a Member of the EFF and I support it and that cannot be changed by the remarks that people throw at me.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:45:01 +0000

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